Breaking the Wall (Ask #431-433)

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Question from wolfiechan12352 ,

"Nogla are you alright do you need any help *bends down to nogla and reaches hand out*"

Nogla: I-I'm oka-

Ze: *Summon spears & pins Nogla down* Stay there.

Nogla: No need to be so aggressive. *Giggles a bit*

CherryBlossm112  "is working Bryce, keep going..."

Bryce: . . .Hey, are you going to ignore me, you hotass?

Ze: *Turns to Bryce* I apologize, Bryce.

Nogla: (I hope it reached. . .)

Legiqn: (Keep it up, Bryce. . .almost out.)

Question from KarmaXKid ,

"Karma: Fuckhowdareyoudeactivatethefourthwallbreakingabilitythatususersaremeanttouse-

Kid: *tears up* Poor Ohm... ;^;

X: "Fake genius"? "Cheater"? ... The definition of "cheater" is: 'Someone who acts dishonestly to gain an advantage'...

Basically is not dishonest. If anything, he is the most honest person here. I don't find him as a "cheater", and any normal genius would use their intelligence to their advantage. Basically is a normal genius, not a fake. He is not fake nor dishonest. He is truthful and real... but lost. Chilled is right, he doesn't deserve such intelligence, as so much knowledge can lead to so much pain, and Basically doesn't deserve suffering.

Karma: Does he, though?

Kid: *cries* Karma's so mean!

Karma: Shut up.

Kid: You shut up! ;A;"

Chilled: He's a cheater, he doesn't deserve any knowledge. . .he's a fake! You're a fake, Marcel! *Attacks Basically*

Basically: *Blocks* What do you know!?

Chilled: 'Honesty'? 'Real'? 'Truthful'? You're just struggling to admit that you're a fake! A fucking human with no soul! Just a robot who can do & know everything that others can't!

Basically: I am not asking for what you think! I want to know what you know about my parents! Talk right now!

Chilled: I'll talk, if you can make me! *Kicks Basically*

Basically: *Takes his gadget out & shoots at Chilled*

Chilled: *Dodges*

Basically: *Attacks Chilled* TALK NOW!

Chilled: FUCK NO!

Kryoz: *Runs up to 407* Oh god, you're bleeding a lot!

407: Fucking. . .bastard. . .


LuMiLORIU "hoohohohoh this is very intense and I'm not the violent one but*hides knife behind her back* Nevermind......"

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