Last Decision (Ask #455-456)

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Basically: We're working to get some new medicines & attempt to save Mini.

Vanoss: . . .Alright. . .first, can I talk to Nogla, Ohm, Bryce, & Lui?

Nogla: Sure boss.

Ohm: What is it, Evy?

Bryce: Hmm?

Lui: Yes, Vanoss?


AWolfsJourney  "God, we need to figure out something prompto. As of right now, everyone take a moments rest and recollect yourselves. I may know a few people that can help"

LuMiLORIU "Well I have herbs if you guys want them you can have them"

Basically: Hand it to us, please. We need as much ingredients we can get.

Foxygwr "Destiny: am I la-.....and there I go again being a failure again.. Not helping everyone knowing its my-* Jane smacks destiny up the head*

Me: ow! * destiny wolf ears point down*

Jane: its not your fault destiny... Also quite pressuring your self destiny... You to guys... I'm sure mini will make it.. Hopefully

Destiny: Jane you got tho think posi-* Jane threw a knife near destinys head*

Jane: that was a warning... I'm never positive ever...I have a rough past and don't like to talk about it... So don't tell me what to do alright?

Destiny: o-ok.... And g-guys you need to s-stay positive.... You never when good surprises turn up... I hope I don't make anyone mad.... Also guys its no one fault that mini is h-hurt...... I'm just going to shut up now..."

RacingCatz: I think we all need some positivity here.

Wildcat: . . .

Delirious: . . . (It's gonna be okay, Tyler.)

~At Outside~

Jiggly: *Leaning on the wall*

407: Hey, you alright, bud?

Jiggly: . . .Yea, I just. . .*Sigh* Was I pushing Tyler all along?

407: Who would've known? And who cares? You always supported him, and you know how much Tyler appreciates you.

Jiggly: Was I wrong the whole time? I always think about Tyler first, what's best for him. . .but. . .what if he never wished for it? I'm no better than Vanoss or anyone.

407: Come on, don't be so negative. Your strong empathy & caring emotion are what's important. Also, Tyler never denied it. You're doing the right thing for him.

Jiggly: . . .I hope so.

407: Let's go back in.

Jiggly: . . .*Sigh* Alright.

407: *Grabs Jiggly's hand & goes inside*

KarmaXKid  "Kid: Umumumum I don't know if it's appropriate to be happier right now...

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