Pianists (Ask #98-100 + Dare #29)

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Dare from KarmaXKid ,

"Karma: No clown make-up, got it. Right, see ya. *disappears* Kid: Teehee! So cute! You're all so lucky! You all have someone that likes you or cares for you, right? ^w^ Aw, but I wished that Bryce did sing... Oh, well, it's not like anyone would do what Karma wants them to do! Karma: BitchIheardthat. Kid: I FEEL EXCESSIVE JOY FOR SOME REASON AND THAT MAKES ME FEEL RANDOM TOO. I DARE SOMEONE TO PLAY THE PIANO! Why? I don't know. :b DO IT. X: I did my part. Kid: Great, we're don- Karma: EY, SHUT UP, I'M NOT DONE."

Basically: I can play piano.

Droidd: So do I.

MiniLadd: Great, so get this dare out the way.

Droidd: Wanna do a duet, Marcel?

Basically: Sure.


Basically: Okay, got it.

Droidd: Then, shall we?

MiniLadd: Just hurry.

Droidd & Basically: *Starts playing the piano*

Nogla: Oh, pretty nice.

Ohm: Ohhh~, didn't know we had pianists~.

Delirious: . . . (Beautiful.)

Wildcat: I like it.

Jiggly: Yea, it's really nice.

407: *Blushing a bit* N-Nice. . .I guess. . .

Droidd & Basically: *Stops*

Basically: You're really good, Droidd.

Droidd: *Smiles* Thank you, and you are as well.

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"I seen the 3 blush.... it's either from being embarrassed or somethin'.... but also how ya doing nogla? *gives nogla a puppy plushie* staying out of drama, I see?"

Nogla: Thanks, and I'm doing good. I guess you could say that. *Giggles*


AWolfsJourney  "XD Droidd tell them all of what you say!"

Droidd: Nah, I promised Marcel, Vanoss, & Mini. What should the ship name be for them three? *Giggles*

H20vanossfan109 "Garret: Uuh.. Brock you should seriously stop Squishing a water bottle till disfigurement* Woops-"

Moo: Fuck you. *Flips them off*

Nogla: Oh Moo. *Giggles*

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"Does 2pMoo have a crush on 2pMini~? :3"

Moo: *Blush* No! I-I don't have anything for him!

Nogla: Are you sure? Why are you blushing then?

Moo: SHUT UP! I just. . .can't really. . .shake off the memory of him, breaking down. I've never seen him like that, and. . .the fact he cried, caught me off guard okay? He's always a pain & annoying. That's it, and nothing else.

Nogla: I see. . .you're weak to those emotional thing, right?

Moo: No I'm not!

Nogla: You're pretty bashful.

Moo: Shut the fuck up before I kick the shit out of you!

Question from KatelynSQuestions ,

"Are you jeloussss?"

Terroriser: *Blush* A-A little, I was more concerned. . .you guys dare us some. . .weird things sometimes.

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