Savior (Ask #188-191 + Dare #53-55)

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AWolfsJourney  "*hugs baby Wildcat* I drew you a piggy, Piggy!"

Wildcat: Aww! Thank you! *Hugs back*

AWolfsJourney  "Daww, poor baby Wildcat :( looking fo his parents..."

Delirious: . . . (I do feel bad. . .but he'll turn back normal soon, hopefully.)

Dare from AWolfsJourney ,

"Vanoss! I dare you to do something funny with baby Wildcat!"

Vanoss: . . .

MiniLadd: . . .Delirious, let's get Tyler outside.

Question from Insane_Galaxy123 ,

"Yeessssss ddddrrrraaaawww memmemem

Alex: *takes a slip of paper from galaxy*

Alex: galaxy thanks youbfor the hug and says have fun drawing. She also has a question for Ohm, who do you like out of the crew not like love but like as a friend."

Ohm: Hmm. . ."Out" of the crew? It has to be Satt, he's fucking hot~, but as a friend, I say. . .hmm. . .

Basically: Um. . .I'm not sure, if I'm right, but "out of the crew", they might've meant it as. . ."among the crew". . .

Ohm: Among? As a friend, huh? And in the crew? Hmm. . .I love everyone, but I like as a friend. . .I'll say. . .hmm. . .I. . .actually don't have an answer. I love every one of them with my heart. I don't wanna friendzone any of them.

Bryce: For f***'s sake, Ohm.

Dare from catgirl44747 ,

"Lol these keep getting better and better also I'm not sure what to dare uhhhhh I dare um vanoss to be sexual to the crew idk you don't have to do it :P"

Vanoss: . . .Fi-

Terroriser: Please no! Tyler is a child right now, okay!? Don't forget about that!

Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,

"*hands Tyler a flower crown* this is for you piggy and a Dear for Mini confess your darkest secret in front of the whole crew plus am going to record it and embarrass you every time you be mean"

MiniLadd: . . .It's not embarrassing, since I don't have any. You can record as much as you want, cause you won't get anything.

Terroriser: Mini. . .y-you're cool.

MiniLadd: Thanks.

Ohm: So hot~! Ahh~, Mini~!

MiniLadd: Shut up, Ohm.

Questions from KarmaXKid ,

"Kid: Oh my gosh everyone is drawing! AWESOME! (*''*)

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