Risen Anger (Ask #434-435)

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Kingggjaay  "Jesus Christ...."

Nogla: *Sits up* Finally. . .and. . .seems like you guys crossed the line.

Ze: *Struggling* How did they break the dimensions!?

Legiqn: Stay still!

Nogla: Oh, you know. Coincidentally, we have a human counter hack.

Bryce: Ohm. . .*Clenches his fists* Ze, your teammate really fucked it all up.

Chilled: *Kicks Legiqn off of Ze* Get the fuck off him!

Ze: Chilled!

Chilled: *Helps Ze up*

Basically: Ohm. . .*Clenches his fists*

Kryoz: Oh no. . .

407: Oh god. . .

Lui: That bastard!

Smii7y: . . .

Noah: Oh jesus. . .

AWolfsJourney  "NNNOOOOOO!!!!! OHM!!!!"

Ohm: *Falls down*

Smarty: Hey. . .did the dimension break

LuMiLORIU  "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DONT CARE ANYMORE *takes out knife and stabs smarty* YOU BITCH"

Smarty: Oh shi-

GaLm: *Protects Smarty*

Smarty: GaLm!

GaLm: No time to play, Smarty.

H2OVanoss2016  "EVAN POWER UP NOW!"

Vanoss: *Activates Toughness* YOU SON A BITCH!

Droidd: *Hands sparks violently* Boss. . .

CaRtOoNz: *Takes out his guns* Oh, this motherfucker is going to die.

Swag: *Summons birds*

Vanoss: . . .ATTACK! *Attacks Smarty*

Droidd, CaRtOoNz, & Swag: *Attacks Smarty*

Smarty: Holy shi-

GaLm: *Carries Smarty & dodges*

wolfiechan12352  "Ohm......no.no.no.nononono.....please don't die....please *cry really hard* YOUR GOING TO PAY YOU BITCH! * Runs at smarty with a knife*"

Wildcat: *Runs up to Ohm* Ohm! Please! *Supports Ohm* Ohm. . .don't die. . .please. . .

Delirious: *Runs up to Ohm & Wildcat* . . . (Ohm. . .)

Moo: What the fuck. . .

Jiggly: *Runs up to 407* Are you alright?

407: Barely. . .

wolfiechan12352  "You have to awake up ohm you can't die you have to protect your lovers......what are they going to do with out you by their side...please wake up ohm....please"

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