Corrupting. . . (Ask #360-362)

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AWolfsJourney  "Holy fucking shit! I'm freaking out! Tyler please calm down! I know you've lost Taya, but it's ok! She's still alive in your heart! Things like this happen and it's out of our control for things like this to happen! Please My brother, my friend, come back"

Vanoss: I mean- *Dodges Wildcat's attack* Is it okay?

Wildcat: . . .Grr. . .

Vanoss: Only way to calm him down is to beat the absolute shit out of him. . .but. . .

Wildcat: Ugh. . .*Tears up*

Vanoss: The problem is that, he still has conscious. I'm sure he won't die, though.

AlexTerroiser "Alex:oh shit


Charlotte: damnit"

VanShipperz  "Akuma: Woah! Tyler calm down

Zion:*secretly Smirks before throwing Tyler a knife*

Me: Tyler please calm down"

Wildcat: *Catches the knife, and the knife explodes* . . .

Vanoss: Now you've done it.

Wildcat: *Attacks Vanoss*

Vanoss: *Dodges & attacks back* You'll never beat me, Tyler. You know that. *Grabs Wildcat's shirt* You really want to experience the same thing again, huh? The result of this fight is ALWAYS the same.

Wildcat: . . .

Vanoss: Let's just end this.

oreiin  "what I'm about to say is probably not going to help this stop but wildcat., this isn't going to help you, this isn't going to make you feel better, this isn't going to bring her back, you'd just feel worse., you have to understand that sometimes you have to let things go.,

don't let your mistakes repeat, alright?"

Wildcat: *Sniffles* Va. . .noss. . .

Vanoss: *Takes out his gun* (Few bullets, and from this distance, bullets will go through his flesh. . .enough pain to knock him out.)

Wildcat: *Grabs Vanoss's jacket* Please. . .help. . .me. . . *Red auras disappears*

Vanoss: Huh? (His auras. . .disappeared. . .)

Wildcat: *Cries* Taya. . .

Vanoss: . . .*Sigh & deactivates his toughness* Tyler, forget about her. She's-

Wildcat: *Grabs Vanoss' neck, and slams him down on the ground* DEAD!

Vanoss: Agh! *Grabs Wildcat's arms*

Wildcat: She's dead! That's what you want to say!? *Red auras slowly appear*

Vanoss: (Shit!)

Wildcat: Always. . .so CRUEL!

Insane_Galaxy123  "Alex: Wildcat calm the Fruck down because you fighting isnt going to bring her back its just going to cause more problems, okay you lost your sister, when I lost my 3 year old brother I cut myself out but my brother Adrien talked some sense into me and I learned that drowning yourself and others in selfpity never helps and neither does fighting anyone and everyone.

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