Groups Qs (Ask #57-61 + Dare #8)

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Question from FiFi_Ballinas ,

"Why you all so pessimistic!?"

Vanoss: Shut the fuck up.

Wildcat: Um. . .I. . .don't know.

MiniLadd: I mean, we're a wanted gang, we've seen tons of bad stuff, what do you expect?

Terroriser: Well, I'm sorry, but. . .I can't help it, I mean, I try to look on the bright side.

Basically: I've been in this crew for a long time, and lot of bad things happen, it's pretty hard to think everything is okay.

Nogla: *Giggles* Well, I'm not always pessimistic. I look stuff positively, & hope it'll all go fine.

Lui: Is it bothering you? Then leave us the damn alone, okay?

Delirious: . . . *Looks away* (I. . .don't know.)

CaRtOoNz: I mean, being with all these motherfuckers, how can you not be one?

Ohm: Well. . .it just happens, so deal with it. If you have a problem, then the door is right there, just for you.

Bryce: . . .I think it's just how I am. Bad things always happen in my life, except for the time I. . .*Blushes a bit* met Delirious.

Droidd: Hmm. . .it's just how we are.

407: *Shrugs*

Jiggly: Past is the big deal, you know. The life you've been living so far.

Question from H20vanossfan109 ,

"Random ass question: Does anyone have a dancing type?"

Basically: Everyone's pretty much decent, but I think Bryce & Ohm are pretty good at dancing.

Delirious: . . .? (You guys are good at dancing?)

Ohm: Pretty much~, wanna dance with me, Delly~?

Delirious: *Blush* . . . (Well. . .)

Bryce: Fuck you Ohm! You're just gonna make him uncomfortable with your flirtations!

Ohm: Oh~, Delly, I think Brycey wants to teach you how to dance~.

Bryce: *Blush* T-That's not what I. . .Um. . .

Delirious: . . .? (Sometime, Bryce?)

Bryce: *Blush* S-Sometime. . .sure, D-Delirious.

Question from AlexTerroiser ,

"What is you're favourite thing to do when you're not busy doing missions or stuff"

Vanoss: . . .I don't know.

Terroriser: I like to go outside & relax in the forest.

MiniLadd: Go to a café, drink some coffee & read books. That is the best!

Basically: Hmm. . .probably read a book, while relaxing in my room, listening to music.

Nogla: Read some fanfics, or just hang out with my bro.

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