BasicallyIDoWrk Info - RacingCatz

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Name: Cody Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: Blonde Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Refreshing-Cyan Current Affiliation: TwitterTweets Mail Best Friend: Vanoss Partner: None Crush: Vanoss Personality: Cheery, Determined, & Friendly Sibling: None ...

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Name: Cody Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: Blonde Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Refreshing-Cyan Current Affiliation: TwitterTweets Mail Best Friend: Vanoss Partner: None Crush: Vanoss Personality: Cheery, Determined, & Friendly Sibling: None
Interesting Facts: RacingCatz is known as an Elite Messenger/Mail Man of TwitterTweets Mail, he is a former founder & member of the BBS.

Childhood: He was raised by his parents, but he was treated badly, and they were poor. He tried to stay positive all the time, work at such young age to get money, and his school life was difficult. He had many stress, but his smile covered it all up. One day, his parents left him, he couldn't pay the rent, or for school, and he was kicked out into the alley. He stayed positive, and kept working, it didn't go well.

Adulthood: When he became an adult, he met Vanoss. They became friends, and went on an adventure, travelled places. During the travel, they met Terroriser, then created BBS. They pulled gangs in, and started their business. One day, they went on a mission, that's when he committed his first crime, he killed the enemy's boss, along with Vanoss & Terroriser's help. After few years, he quit BBS, left the crew, and the reason is still unknown. TwitterTweets Mail accepted him, and he started working there as a mailman.

Currently: He is an Elite Messenger, and he still takes contact with the BBS, for a job, nothing else though.

Skills: Acrobatic skills, hand-to-hand combat, super speed, minor strength, shooting skills, skilled driver, skilled pilot

Yandere Level: 5/10

Ability Type: Speed

Mystery: RacingCatz is really a cheery & positive guy, but under his smile, there must be something else. The reason why he left the crew is one big mystery, and he has something with his boss in TwitterTweets Mail, but it's not clear. 

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