Goodbye (Ask #309-316 + Dare #85-86)

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Question & Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,

"What are your guys limits if someone tried to steal their hearts and a Dare to everyone slap everyone across the face"

Terroriser: Uh. . .Limits?

Vanoss: . . .This is a shit show. Well, time to get bruises on our face.


MiniLadd: I don't have fucking time for this! I want to open the portal & go back to our universe already!

Basically: Calm down Mini, w-we could finish it soon. I'm sure it won't take long.

Lui: Who's gonna slap who?

Terroriser: Um. . .everyone has to slap everyone, so. . .

MiniLadd: No! *Grabs Basically* Come on, back to work, Marcel!

Basically: Mini, please don't pull my hood so hard!

Moo: Jesus, Mini is fucking stressed.

Bryce: Isn't he always?

Nogla: Well, Mini is about to be more pissed. *Giggles*

Vanoss: . . .Alright, prepare to not die.

Dare from VanShipperz ,

"I dare all the 2ps and the 1ps to sing with their opposites a song that describes their pasts"

MiniLadd: YOU. . .FUCKING. . .BITCHES!

Basically: Everyone is bruised. . .how did this happen?

407: Some of you guys doesn't know how to hold back their strength! Ow!

Jiggly: Don't talk, Scotty.

Nogla: Welp, we knew this would happen.

MiniLadd: *Shaking in anger*

Wildcat: M-Mini. . .

MiniLadd: *Sigh* Marcel, could you please open the portal now?

Basically: I-It's almost done, after few more minutes.

Droidd: Calm down, Mini, we'll be able to go back soon.

MiniLadd: I'm gonna seal all of you guys' mouth.

Vanoss: What are you-

MiniLadd: SILENCE!

~At 1ps~

Calibre: Sounds like they're having fun.

Daithi: So uh. . .are we doing this dare?

Brian: Uh. . .maybe not.

Evan: You guys need to calm down, okay?

Craig: Fine, but you need to learn to defend yourself.

Evan: What?

Jon: Yea, what if we aren't around to save you?

Evan: 'Save'?

Tyler: Yea, you seriously need to be careful, Evan.

Evan: Why am I getting scolded?

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