Ship Battles (Ask #108-110 + Dare #32-33)

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AWolfsJourney  "Anyway! Vanoss! Better get Wildcat back or Jiggly might take him away~"

Vanoss: FUCK OFF!

Jiggly: Stop yelling like that!

CaRtOoNz: Fucking god dammit!

Delirious: . . .!? (Are you okay!?)

CaRtOoNz: I think my arm is broken.

MiniLadd: Great job, Evan, you fucking asshole!

Vanoss: SHUT UP! Jiggly, I'm gonna fucking kill your ass!

Jiggly: Try it!

Wildcat: Please no!

407: *Blushes a bit* (Fuck. . .he's hot. . .)

Basically: Calm down, boss!

Vanoss: You're not taking Tyler from me!

Wildcat: *Blush*

FiFi_Ballinas "I don't think this is going to end well... Hopefully no one gets seriously hurt..."

CaRtOoNz: Well my arm is broken.

MiniLadd: Fucking hell. . .

Dare from AddictedShipper ,

"wait the end wtf....................

DARE "As Shipping Addict i do nit approve to his ship like HELL NAW, I want vanoss to ruin this ship and make jt suffer to ground making it hell and burn to ashes like fire, maje suffer like the ones who were disobeyed abandoned and slaved, make it suffer like a black hole entering the earths core making a huge cosmic shit making it exploding." point is, I DONT LIKE THE FUCKING SHIP, ugh."

Vanoss: *Cracks his knuckles* Fuck yea, I will!

Jiggly: Who the fuck care about you think! It's obvious that Tyler should be with me! You don't treat him right at all!

Vanoss: The fuck you know about me, huh!?

Jiggly: I know you're savage, cruel, & dishonest, I can't see any loving part about you!

MiniLadd: STOP IT RIGHT THERE! I want you guys to shut the fuck up! I don't want any casualties in here!

Wildcat: Please don't fight. . .

Vanoss: *Grabs Wildcat's arm*

Wildcat: *Jumps a bit* V-Vanoss?

Jiggly: Hey, let go of him!

Vanoss: *Pulls Wildcat close & kisses him*

Terrorirser: Oh. . .

Ohm: Aww~.

Wildcat: *Blushes*

Vanoss: *Pulls away* You're in my crew, so you're mine, Tyler. Don't ever let that bitch kiss you again.

Wildcat: *Blushes harder* I-I. . .um. . .

Jiggly: You don't make his life choice, Vanoss.

Vanoss: Fuck you bitch! He's mine!

Jiggly: Fuck you!

Wildcat: *Blushes madly*

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