Exposed (Ask #410-412 + Dare #103)

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KarmaXKid "Kid: Ohh, okay, that makes sense! AND LOOK! THE RETURN OF SWAG!"

AWolfsJourney  "Ooo~ going to the Derp Crew eh?"

[Basically: Why is he here?

Bryce: I don't fucking know, but we gotta do something!

Smii7y: How unfortunate.

Legiqn: This is out of plan.]

Ze: Chilled.

Chilled: Scanning. . .Swag_Dracula, one of the members of TwitchStreamers, a bird tamer.

Swag: Looks like you guys did your homework.

Smarty: The fuck you want?

Swag: *Feeds his birds* Well. . .I'm just here to make you guys pay. . .

Ze: For what?

Swag: For. . .*glares at them* messing with my friends! *Takes out his gun*

Ze: Taking out guns huh?

Swag: Better prepare yourselves. *Starts shooting*

Smarty: Get cover!

Ze, Chilled, GaLm & Smarty: *Gets cover*

Swag: You guys can't hide~. Attack!

~Birds start attacking them~

Ze: *Dodges* Oh shit!

Chilled: *Dodges* This is a problem, boss.

GaLm: *Dodges*

Smarty: *Dodges* Seems like no escape here!

[Basically: We need a new plan.

407: Duh! The fuck are we gonna do!?

Ohm: *Watching* Look how sexy they are~!

Bryce: Shut the fuck up, Ohm!

Nogla: Let's answer some questions until they finish.

Kryoz: What!? But, they could hurt us!

Smii7y: That is that, John.

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"Jelly?... I'm just kidding, lui"

Lui: . . .*Blushes a bit* W-Why the fuck would I be jealous?

Basically: Well. . .Nogla is like a brother for most of us.

Lui: Hell no! When was he the type to be a brother to all of us!?

Basically: When Droidd first appeared, he cared for you, Lui. You know that.

Lui: . . .Shut up. . .

Lazilyproductive "O my god Lui is jealous •o•"

Nogla: *Giggles* Aww kid~.

Lui: *Blushing* SHUT UP!

Noah: . . .I hope we can fight fair & square, Lui.

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