Split. . . (Dare #6)

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TheDeliriousFamily  "Tyler....Sit and and let me explain....*sits down with Tyler and begins her story* Tyler...We we're separated when we were kids. You might think that it's not true. But it is. We can even take a blood test to see who your parents are and who my parents are. Just to let you know, Tyreese was send to other dimension and went weak because we weren't there. *hugs a plushie of a wolf and continues* Mom and Dad wanted us to separate because we were always near each other. So, Mom sent Tyreese on a 'quest' and pushed him into a dimension while Dad paralyzed you and told you lies about me. You left. That left me with Mom and Dad beating me like a beating bag. I was 6 back then. Until I was 8, I called the police and showed them my bruises, cuts, and scars. They arrested Mom and Dad for life because of Child Abuse, Harassment, and......Rape. I was moved into an adoption center after living with a police couple named Mark and Jack. When it was nap-time, I'd sneak out of he adoption center and look for you. When I was 10, I was sent to a couple's house who was Sydney and a guy named Dash. I lived with them for a few months until moving into my own house. It wasn't until I saw one of your videos, sawing your house. I located your house and rode a taxi all the way there. And now, Here I am. *smiling to Tyler before looking at a camera that was on live to the 2p Dimension* Tyreese. I want you back please. We can finally reunite again and live happily again before I die...I only have a few days left because I have something in my heart that will suck all the blood out of my body. Also, bring your gang as well..I would love to see them again before I die and live in Heaven..."

Tyler: . . .Okay, this is a role play. My parents would never do that, and I didn't left, until I was able to take care of myself, get a job, graduate college, and stuff. Or, you're just from another dimension. Right now. . .I'm not able to swallow these stuff, alright? Don't play with me. . .*Sighs* please.

In 2pUniverse, Wildcat was shocked to hear the story from Taya. ". . .M-My parents won't do that. . .t-they. . .no. . .then. . .why do I remember them dead? I. . .I killed people. . .as a revenge for my parents was. . .all a lie? I. . .I killed the innocents. . .I killed people who did nothing to my parents!" said Wildcat, then fell to his knees. "No. . .What have I done!?" said Wildcat, then Jiggly said, "Tyler, calm down!" "All the things I did. . .was just a murder! I'M A MURDERER! I KILLED INNOCENT PEOPLE!" cried Wildcat. "Tyler!" said Jiggly. ". . .! . . .!" said Delirious. ". . .They're in prison. . .I need to go. . .Dad. . .Mom. . .I need to go back to her. . .I need to save her. . ." said Wildcat, and stood up. "Taya. . .I'm coming." Said Wildcat, and started walking. "Tyler. . ." said Jiggly, suddenly Delirious held Wildcat back, ". . .!" Wildcat struggles, and said, "Let go of me! She's gonna die if I don't save her! PLEASE!" Delirious teared up, and said, ". . .!" Suddenly, Wildcat stopped struggling, and Delirious said, ". . .?" He slowly let go of Wildcat, then Wildcat turns to him, and punches him in the face. Delirious was pushed back to the wall hard, ". . .!" Jiggly was in shock, then Wildcat shouted, "Why. . .YOU ALWAYS SUPPORTED ME!? Why are you trying to stop me from saving my sister!?" Delirious slid down on the ground, and said, ".-. . ."

The Quad came, and Cartoonz said, "The fuck was that no- D-Delirious? You okay?" "What happened?" asked Ohm, then Bryce ran up to Delirious, and asked, "Are you okay?" Delirious just groaned, then Bryce glared at Wildcat & Jiggly. "The fuck did you guys do!?" asked Bryce in anger, then other came.

"The fuck was that noise?" asked MiniLadd. "Guys?" asked Terroriser. "What happened?" asked Basically, then Bryce said, "These motherfuckers hurt Delirious!" ".-. . ." said Delirious. "Looks like we need explanation." Said Nogla. "Totally." Said Lui, and Droidd looked at Jiggly & Wildcat, then asked, "So. . .you two did it?" ". . .I-I-" Jiggly was cut off by Wildcat, "She's gonna die. . .I have to save her!" Jiggly grabbed Wildcat's hand, and said, "Tyler, wai-" Suddenly Wildcat grabbed Jiggly's neck, then said, "DON'T GET IN MY WAY!" He threw Jiggly away, and Jiggly hit the ground, then groaned. "Anthony!" said Fourzer0, and ran up to Jiggly. "Oh my god. . ." said Evan. "The pig lost his mind." Said Lui, then Wildcat glared at Lui, and said, "Shut up, kid!" "You. . .son of a bitch!" shouts Lui, and attacked Wildcat. "Kid, no!" said Nogla, and tried to stop Lui. Wildcat swung his fist to Lui, then Nogla shielded Lui. "Nogla!" shouted Basically & Terroriser. Nogla & Lui were pushed to the wall, and Lui said, "N-Nogla?" "Ugh. . .fuck. . ." groaned Nogla. "Something's wrong. . ." said Basically. Terroriser looked at Wildcat, Wildcat's eyes were glowing red, suddenly he had a sudden flashback. "Ugh. . .no. . ." said Terroriser, and started shivering. "Brian?" asked Moo. ". . .Stay back." Said MiniLadd, and walked in front. "Mini?" asked Droidd.

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