Soft Side (Ask #129-132 + Dare #38)

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Questions from KarmaXKid ,

"Karma: Ah, yes, and sexy. That is VERY important for Ohm. Mini, I'm not dumb. I wasn't expecting criticism from non-artists. Plus, even if you're a non-artists, it doesn't mean that you can't criticise art. Also, I don't have any friends that likes to draw as much as I do or is honest enough to criticise my art and I'm very sad because of that fact... I don't really know other artists to criticise my art. And I'm pretty sure Kid thanked you for checking out our art.

Kid: I most certainly did! :)

Karma: What I'm complaining about is stuff from my world. An artist's life as tough and annoying. Like, REALLY tough and annoying. SO TOUGH AND ANNOYING I WANT TO STAB SOMETHING. Anyway, we appreciate your compliments. We just asked you to check out the drawing to show how much we appreciate your... existence, I guess. BUT DON'T LET ME GET IN THE WAY OF THE PARTY, JUST FORGET ABOUT EVERYTHING NEGATIVE because apparently I'm always the source of problems... Eh, whatever. Just have fun or some shit."

MiniLadd: Oh, you guys had brain huh?

Terroriser: Mini! Stop trying to fight them! You have Evan!

Vanoss: The fuck!?

MiniLadd: I'm just saying, jeez.

Basically: Don't mind Mini, he's not being serious.

MiniLadd: Yes, I am!

Basically: No, you're not, I can tell!

Nogla: If Marcel says that, it must be true.

Basically: He's just teasing them.


"Kid: Oh, so Nogla has no crush? Okay. I kind of feel sorry for you, since not many people love you as much as... Droidd and Cartoonz loving Ohm, or Delirious loving Delirium (brother love, of course). You're okay with it, right?"

Nogla: Don't worry about it. I'm still having fun, and that's all that matters in my life.

Basically: Nogla. . .

Nogla: Hmm?

Basically: . . .No homo, but. . .I love you, okay?

Nogla: *Giggles* Aww, you're so kind, Marcel.

Basically: *Smiles*

407: Fucking bitch. . .

Jiggly: Now, now Scotty, take it easy.

"Karma: And to respond to our third comment, what do you mean, "pretty obvious", Mini? I don't get it. And people really hate you, Droidd? Well, I don't. And Marcel got triggered really bad he broke the computer screen?! Holy shit! When did that happen?

X: Before we met. We did not know them until late 2017.

Karma: ...Oh...kay...?"

MiniLadd: I'm not likable.

Terroriser: No, you're not.

Droidd: People hated me, because I hurt Lui, and they all cared & sided Lui.

Ohm: But I love you, Droidd, fuck the haters.

Droidd: *Smiles* You're so sweet, Ohmwrecker.

Basically: About the screen. . .yea, I. . .got triggered by all the hates. It was stupid, they only looked on the outside, didn't care how Droidd felt. I felt really bad for Droidd. I know he hurt Lui, and was being dishonest. . .but it doesn't mean people can bash on him like that.

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