Beg for it (Ask #387-390)

197 8 5

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"Ok, calm down Basically, what others choices are there anyway? You guys have to do this... alliance."

Basically: But that is illegal! Gangs working with police!?

Kryoz: I agree, we're not gonna work with a gang!

Nogla: But if we don't do this, you won't be able to get out. We won't be able to get you out by force. We cannot fail this mission. I don't want to break rules, and. . .I think Marksman knows what's better for you guys. *Looks at Kryoz*

Kryoz: But. . .polices are for protecting people & giving justice to the evils. We can't work with evils.

Smii7y: It does sound a bit foolish.

Kryoz: Smii7y.

Smii7y: But. . .what good ideas you have, John? Other than this.

Kryoz: . . .Well. . .

Nogla: Listen, we want to avoid any fights right now with you guys. Since you guys are really. . .persistent.

Noah: If fight breaks out right now, it would mean a declaration of a war.

Smii7y: It's not that big of a scale, but it is a big deal.

Kryoz: . . .I. . .I don't know. . .

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"What type of alliance?"

Nogla: It's a temporary alliance. Until we get to capture the Derp Crew. We can't give the data to them & we can't let them have Marcel in here forever. What you guys wanted was to capture the Derp Crew. . .not us.

Kryoz: . . .But. . .t-this is not-

Smii7y: John, I think Marksman is the one who's going to make a decision. You follow his order.

Kryoz: . . .Fine.

Question from thestars-ash ,

"a-...alliance?? dude, are you sure about this??"

Basically: . . .I don't think it's a. . .good idea.

Nogla: We have no choice, Marcel. If this fails. . .prepare for some action & probably injuries. *Giggles*

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"How is an alliance going to work out with the police and the most wanted gang in town? Like... seriously?"

Nogla: It's not about polices or gangs anymore. It's about logic. Their intention was to capture the Derp Crew, not us. We just want Marcel back, and this alliance will work out. We both have some skills, experience, & benefits from this.

Basically: . . .Nogla-

Nogla: Marcel, we're doing this no matter what you say, alright?

Basically: . . .Fine.

Nogla: *Smiles* Now, let's talk to Marksman. Oh! Before that. . . *turns to Basically* I need to apologize to you for something.

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