Warning. . .

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Basically: Okay, so uh. . .it feels weird to talk to. . .a wall.

MiniLadd: The fuck are you doing?

Basically: I'm trying to talk to the fourth wall people.

Droidd: *Giggles* How exciting.

MiniLadd: So, you're talking to a wall?

Basically: Yes. So uh. . .we are from the future, basically, the next few updates are gonna be flashbacks for us, but for you guys, it's happening at present time. This took almost an entire day, and it was. . .pretty depressing. *Looks at Droidd & MiniLadd* I don't know about you guys, but it was for me, at least.

MiniLadd: I'm just glad that the drama is over.

Basically: Yea. . .*turns to the readers* and it may ruin your day, so please if you are someone who gets easily depressed or super emotional, I suggest you not to. . .uh. . .read the next few updates.

Droidd: *Looks at the readers* Some of the crew got really depressed, and we don't want to affect you guys.

MiniLadd: The writer sucks, so it might not be a problem, but still.

Basically: We don't mean to ruin anyone's day.

MiniLadd: I don't even know if this is worth showing it.

Basically: Well, it feels like Season 1 had only depressing or emotional stuff. I was hoping for Season 2 to change, but. . .this is unfortunate.

Droidd: We want to have some sweet, heart-warming & funny or goofy moments with the crew.

MiniLadd: Yea. . .anyway, it's just a warning for you bitches through the fourth wall. Man, it feels so weird, when we're talking to a wall, and saying that we're like. . .characters in a book or something.

Basically: For them, we are exactly that.

Droidd: Well, I hope this warning made you think a bit. We're looking forward for your comments, questions & dares~. . .*Turns to Basically* Was it okay?

MiniLadd: We're not recording or anything, so there's no point in asking!

Basically: Unless the part ends now.

MiniLadd: We missed the opportunity!

Droidd: *Giggles* Too bad.

Basically: Calm down Mini, we can make it better.

MiniLadd: Now, it ends now! Roll credits or something! Cut it off now! Do it, or I'll fucking shove a t-

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