Last Minute Entrance (Ask #152-155)

186 3 0

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"Why is 2pGorilla here anyway?" "Dear God! 2pGorlliaphent!....idk what to say, so kindly tell us why your here good sir?*gives you coffee and a donut*"

Gorillaphent: I appreciate the coffee & donut, but no thanks. I came here cause I was dragged here.

Sattelizer: Talking shit, huh?

Delirious: . . .! (Satt!)

Sattelizer: Hello Delirious, Bryce.

Gorillaphent: I wasn't talking shit about you, Satt.

Sattelizer: *Rolls his eyes* Yea, right.

Bryce: *Body shaking a bit* W-What do you guys want?

Delirious: *Notices Bryce shaking*

Sattelizer: Well, I was invited by Ohm to a party. *Takes out the invitation card* I had some work to do. . .I just finished, and came here. I dragged Gorilla with me, since he became my partner, and thought he should know the alliance.

Gorillaphent: *Walks up to Bryce* I didn't mean to interrupt your time with your boyfriend, McQuaid.

Bryce: . . .

Delirious: . . .? (Bryce?)

Gorillaphent: Surprised, aren't you? I still remember your fucking name. . .even it's been years. Huh? Brycey McChicken?

Bryce: *Swings his fist to Gorillaphent's face*

Gorillaphent: *Grabs Bryce's fist*

Delirious: . . .! (Bryce!)

Bryce: . . .Don't ever call me that. . .you barbarian.

Gorillaphent: You should think about the position you're in, cause I think, you're the one who's a barbarian. . .you gangster. *Summons bullets*

Delirium: *Comes out* Jon! Bryce!

Delirious: . . .! (Jason!)

Gorillaphent: *Turns to Delirium*

Delirium: Oh! New guests!? Oh my! Hello, misters! *Smiles*

Sattelizer: Hey.

Delirium: My name is Jason! Code name, CH4Delirium! We're gonna eat the cakes, so do you guys want to eat?

Sattelizer: We would like to have some cake. Mark, we're going in. *Walks inside*

Gorillaphent: *Puts the bullets away & lets go of Bryce's fist* . . .Aye, sir. *Walks inside*

Delirium: Jon, Bryce, are they your friend?

Bryce: No.

Delirious: . . . (Bryce. . .)

Bryce: . . . *Walks inside*

Delirium: Bryce?

Delirious: . . . (Let's. . .go inside, Jason.)

Question from LizaDrawsgames ,

"Gorlliaphent and bryce have history?

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