BasicallyIDoWrk Info - ZeRoyalViking & ChilledChaos

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ZeRoyalChaos -

Name: Steven Birthplace: California Species: American/Canadian Gender: Male Hair Color: Black Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Red Current Affiliation: Derp Crew Best Friend & Partner: ChilledChaos Crush: Bryce McQuaid Personality: Strict, Aggressive, & Courageous Sibling: None Work: In charge of leading the crew, making missions, & recruiting people.

Interesting Facts: Ze is the leader of the Derp Crew along with ChilledChaos. He is known for his skillful hacking, he can hack into any system, and he had some similar experience to Vanoss & Smii7y in the past. He has strong rivalry against Delirious. Also, the members all have a sashes-like item that provesthat they are the Derp Crew.

Childhood: Ze had a rough childhood, he was abused pretty harshly by his parents. He had his own entertainment, which was internet. He had interest in internet, and started communicating with people just to kill some time. This is when he became twisted. . .he started a cycle of cyberbullying, creating chaos. One day, a tragic event occurred. . .he committed a first crime. . .which was killing people indirectly. Once his parents figured it out, he was tossed out of the house, and he started venturing alone. Later, he meets ChilledChaos.

Adulthood: When he became an early adult, Ze's twisted desire came back, and pulled Chilled into it. They started the chaos cycle in internet, hacking people, creating distrust, hatred, sorrow, etc. into people. As a result, the Derp Crew was born. Because of what they've been doing, Ze never trusted outsiders, other than Chilled. The crew needed to grow, so he decided to recruit people, but with a specific requirement.

Currently: ZeRoyalViking is travelling with ChilledChaos, GaLm, & TehSmarty. He is twisted, and when we encountered them, he developed an interest in Bryce. Since he is twisted, he is claiming that Bryce belongs to his crew.

Skills: Acrobatic skills, self defense, super speed, minor strength, shooting skills, skilled driver, skilled pilot, hacking skills, calculating skills

Yandere Level: 7/10

Ability Type: Skill

Mystery: Ze once did lacked emotions, but now he is a twisted hacker. What did he see in Bryce that made him think he belongs to the Derp Crew? What specific requirement does he seek in new people? There seemed to be more than four before, but Ze seems to let them out, the reason is unknown.

ChilledChaos -

Name: Anthony Birthplace: United States Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: White Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Cyan Current Affiliation: Derp Crew Best Friend & Partner: ZeRoyalViking Crush: ZeRoyalViking Personality: Calm, Intelligent, & Loyal Sibling: None Work: In charge of organizing data, creating gadgets, & recruiting people.

Interesting Facts: Chilled is the co-leader of the Derp Crew, he is very loyal & known for his robot-like techniques. He can create gadgets that can make holographic weapons, he made for each of the members. His eyes are robotic, but natural somehow. He created Derp Crew with ZeRoyalViking.

Childhood: Chilled had a peaceful childhood, but he had poor eyesight at such young age. He was bullied at school, and an accident happened one day. The impact to the brain of the accident caused his eyes to go completely blind. He had to get a surgery, but his parents couldn't afford it, so they decided to homeschool him. Apparently, he got into an accident once again, and on the way of his unaware surroundings, he met ZeRoyalViking. He had no choice, but to follow Ze. Ze helped Chilled to get his eyesight back, and he was able to go back home, but. . .his parents were killed. Chilled had nowhere to go & nothing to do, so he accompanied Ze. They started a journey and created Derp Crew.

Adulthood: When he became an adult, he learned hacking skills from Ze, that's when he committed his first crime. He used his knowledge and killed a target of hacking, but since then, he started using his knowledge & invented gadgets. Along the way, he met GaLm & Smarty, and continued the journey.

Currently: Chilled is Ze's loyal teammate. Chilled has some robotic gadgets in his body, and he is a very protective & logical one. He seems to have an unbreakable loyalty, or simply a big crush, on ZeRoyalViking.

Skills: Acrobatic skills, self-defense, super speed, minor strength, shooting skills, skilled driver, skilled pilot, hacking skills, calculating skills, technician, scientist

Yandere Level: 10/10

Ability Type: Skill

Mystery: ChilledChaos knows something about my parents, and probably more than that. Why does he think I killed his parents? What does he know that I don't know?

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