Last Day (Ask #299-308 + Dare #83-84)

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AWolfsJourney  "XD 2pVanoss, tell us the romance between you and 2pWildcat~!"

Vanoss: . . .*Blush* There's nothing romantic between us. . .

Wildcat: *Blush* . . .

Terroriser: *Giggles* Why don't you tell the story about the time when Wildcat was caught by the gang, then after we rescued him, Evan-

Vanoss: *Covers Terroriser's mouth* Shut the fuck up! I never did anything romantic to him!

Terroriser: *Muffles* (Hugs & tears are romantic.)

Wildcat: *Blushes harder*

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"So, 2pBBS, care to share some more stories~? I wanna hear some cool moments."

MiniLadd: No more story times. *Turns to Basically* Is the portal ready?

Basically: I'm working on it, don't worry. At this rate, we'll be able to go back this noon.

MiniLadd: Alright.

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"2pJiggly!!!! How did you meet 2pWildcat and how did you fall in love with him~?"

Jiggly: Well, I met Tyler the day Scotty & I met the BBS, we had same objective, so we decided to make an alliance. *Blushes a bit* And. . .let's see. . .it was when Scotty & I robbed a casino. We ran away from the cops, and we bumped into him. I don't really wanna talk long, so I'll try to minimize as much as I can.

407: Jesus, Anthony.

Jiggly: Anyway, he. . .kinda got hurt, and we decided to take him to the BBS base. Cutting parts, I talked with him a bit, and. . .*blush* he showed me his sweet & innocent side. He was different from the people I've seen before. I felt like. . .I need to protect him. He was weak, and I wondered why he's in BBS. . .the reason. . .his past. . .he made me feel sympathy. He made me feel. . .different from what I've been feeling towards people.

407: And without knowing, he was in love with Tyler.

Jiggly: *Blush* O-Okay, I think this is enough.

AWolfsJourney  "Hey 1pVanoss, pull out that guitar of yours and play a song for us"

Evan: Hmm? Oh, well. . .okay. *Goes to his room*

Nogla: Oh, 1pEvan is going to play a guitar?

Brian: Looks like it.

Evan: *Comes back* Okay. . *sits down on the couch*

Ohm: Ohhh~, Evy is going to play a music~.

Evan: Well, I'm gonna just. . .play something easy. *Starts playing*

Question from beliana2017 ,

"so I know 1p Nogla can sing but what about 2p Nogla?"

Nogla: Me? Nah, I'm not good at singing, and 1pEvan is really good with music.

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