Oh. . .Someone is Angry (Ask #334-341 + Dare #97)

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Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"Now that Piggy Boy is showing off that plum ass~ how about we spice things up and start exploring~?"

Jiggly: *Blush* E-Exploring?

Vanoss: You mean. . .*blush*

407: It's pretty obvious guys.

Ohm: Ohhh~! They meant to have se-

Jiggly: *Covers Ohm's mouth* W-We're not doing that!

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"And I always wanted to ask, since it's the 2p world, does that mean everything is opposite? Like time and history?"

Basically: Um. . .not everything.

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"Whoa! Lui calm down, what was on Droidd's list that angered u? And Droidd's what was on Lui's list?"

Lui: Just some stupid shit, I don't want to talk about it.

Droidd: . . .Me too.

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"So Wildcat, my dear BBBFF, do u love me? I love you :3"

Wildcat: Um I. . .I do.

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"Q: basically, how did you feel about the kiss? You were blushing~... Ya don't have answer :p"

Basically: *Blush* I-I was just. . .s-surprised.

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"Nogla, do you think you would be a perfect boyfriend?... like for anyone..."

Nogla: Me? Nah.

Ohm: Are you kidding me? You're a great boyfriend! *Hugs Nogla* You're a good kisser, you're so calm, and kind~.

Nogla: *Giggles* Thanks man~, but I'm not, you know.

Ohm: You liar~. *Pokes Nogla's cheek*


KarmaXKid "Kid: Oh! Oh! You can make chocolate bunny rabbits! I'm sure they'll be very sweet, just like yourself! I can't eat chocolate right now, because they have nuts and I'm not sure if I have allergies or not, but just in case...

Karma: Sorry, didn't mean to laugh in an offensive way.

X: Is that so? Well, that is generous of him. I do hope that you can find a cure on time.

Kid: I'm sure they can! They're all very smart and skilled!"

MiniLadd: Of course. . .

Join My Crew Season #2 (Ask 2pYoutubers)Where stories live. Discover now