Popular Catz (Ask #122-128 + Dare #37)

156 3 0

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"Yay! RacingCatz is here! So, 2pRacingCatz, are you excited to be here!? Cause "apparently" everyone else is~"

RacingCatz: Huh?

Basically: In case you didn't know, we're having a Q&As, plus dares, and you have a lot questions from them already.

MiniLadd: Pretty popular, huh?

RacingCatz: No, I'm not. *Giggles* And to answer your question, yes, I'm pretty excited. I haven't taken a break for a while, so.

Nogla: It's nice to see you wearing something else besides the uniform.

RacingCatz: *Giggles*

Terroriser: Just like old times.


OmegaTheta  "Holy..... *sips hot cocoa* crap... remind me to never get on his bad side! Seems I need to brew some more peppermint cocoa."

Terroriser: Yup, you shouldn't. Cody is a pretty good killer.

RacingCatz: I'm just a mailman, Mr. Terroriser.

MiniLadd: Dude, you're not at work, so you can call us with name, you know.

RacingCatz: . . .It's been a while, though.

Basically: We wouldn't mind, Cody. *Smiles*

RacingCatz: . . . *Smiles* Alright.

AWolfsJourney  "RacingCatz!!!!!!!! Hello :3"

sunniidee  "hello Cody! you're not up for asks or dares, so I just wanted to say hi uwu"

RacingCatz: *Smiles* Hello, nice to meet you guys!


Gah! If I could I would rip out my mutliversal being heart and give it to him! Also I have a much colder cocoa Toonz! When I mean colder I mean... sub zero...

Don't ask how I am able to still keep it in a liquid state, best not to ask..."

Wildcat: *Blush* Um. . .t-thank you.

CaRtOoNz: That's cool, and I'll take that, please.


I LOVE THE VOICE I GAVE HIM IN MY HEAD. IT'S LIKE SO FAST AND CHEERFUL WHEN DELIVERING MAIL but then, when he's pissed, he's, like, scary as fuck. Oh, goodness. I LOVE IT."

RacingCatz: *Blush* Aww, thank you.

Vanoss: I agree, he's the best.

RacingCatz: E-Evan. . .

Vanoss: . . .*Blushes a bit* It's been a while, Cody.

RacingCatz: Well. . .I was busy with stuff, and thank you for inviting me.

Vanoss: No problem. *Smiles*

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

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