Uh-Oh (Ask #276-285)

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Question from AWolfsJourney , 

"Mini u ok man? If u want I can give u advice?"

MiniLadd: I'm fine.

Question from H2OVanoss2016 ,

"Quick Mini jump out the window!"

MiniLadd: . . .You think jumping out the window would kill me? Fuck no. You can't even imagine what I went through. If you want me to die, just say it straightforward.

"Also a Question for Both groups if you were in a pathetic and stupid situation how would you handle it without weapons or protected gear"


Vanoss: With my fist.

Terroriser: Um. . .depends on the situation. . .

Wildcat: Uh. . .

Basically: I'll try to analyze the situation, and solve it with my brain.

Nogla: I'll let it flow, it'll resolve by itself.

Moo: I'll probably just beat the shit out of something or someone.

Droidd: Depends on the situation.

Lui: Fight through with my bare hands.

Delirious: . . . (I'm not sure.)

CaRtOoNz: Just shoot, probably.

Bryce: No weapons, bitch.

CaRtOoNz: Then ice em.

Bryce: Power is still like a weapon, right?

CaRtOoNz: *Shrugs*

Ohm: Hmm. . .

407: Bribe them?

Jiggly: What kinda situation are you thinking, Scotty?

407: Uh. . .no comment?


Evan: Um. . .don't know.

Craig: Probably make it even more awkward.

Tyler: Uh. . .I don't know, probably like. . .well, probably like laugh-off or something like we normally do.

Brian: I agree with Tyler.

Brock: Well. . .yea, cause like. . .weird & awkward situations are created when we play games & stuff, getting all the funny moments.

Brian: In your case, it's Brockward.

Brock: *Giggles* Nice one.

Craig: Okay, please stop.

Brian: I can't believe I did that, but I did it!

Brock: I'm so proud of you, Brian.

Calibre: Improvise!

Daithi: Well, yea.

Arlan: *Giggles* I mean. . .

Jon: Just make fun of the situation like we always do.

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