Plan B? (Ask #386)

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AWolfsJourney  "So..... Wildcat...*gives him chocolate* a little sweet treat to make you feel better"

Wildcat: Thank you.

Kryoz: Woah! Chocolate out of nowhere! How did you do that? That's awesome!

Wildcat: I-It's not my. . .*frowns & looks at his hands* power. . .

Kryoz: What's wrong?

Wildcat: . . .I just. . .remembered. . .

Kryoz: . . .Don't think about it, okay?

Wildcat: . . .I'll try.

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"I'm glad kryoz is helping you feel better, wildkitty! Even more happy that ohm and nogla helped too! Q: what is your favorite animal?"

Wildcat: Me? My favorite animal is. . .probably. . .cats. They're cute & sweet.

Kryoz: Aww, that's so nice.

Marksman: *Enters* Hey Kryoz.

Kryoz: Oh, hello sir.

Marksman: Can you go keep an eye on Nogla & escort him, he wants to talk with Basically.

Kryoz: Yes sir. *Goes out*

Marksman: I hope he'll be okay.

Wildcat: No-. . .Nogla won't hurt him.

Marksman: *Looks at Wildcat* . . .

Wildcat: I. . .um. . .

Marksman: *Walks up to Wildcat, and pats Wildcat's head* You're badly damaged. . .I'm sorry that you've been through a rough time.

Wildcat: *Looks at Marksman*

Marksman: Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. May I ask you questions? Or just talk?

Wildcat: . . .*Nods*

Marksman: *Smiles, and sit down on a chair* My name is Nick, 'ImMarksman' is my police name. What is your name?

Wildcat: T-Tyler.

Marksman: Tyler. . .nice name. Your gang name is 'Wildcat', right?

Wildcat: *Nods*

Marksman: . . .How are your wounds?

Wildcat: . . .The pain is fading slowly.

Marksman: That's good, but. . .what really happened that you got hurt like this?

Wildcat: *Frowns* I. . .

Marksman: *Holds Wildcat's hand* Listen, I know it may be painful to remember tragic events, but. . .you gotta face it & turn them into your motivation. To not repeat it again.

Wildcat: . . .I. . .I hurt my friends. . .*Tears up* I. . .I didn't mean to.

Marksman: . . .A misunderstanding, huh?

Wildcat: I had no control. . .I didn't know. . .

Marksman: . . .Calm down. Tyler. . .why are you in the BBS?

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