Promise? (Ask #62-63 + Dare #9)

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Question from H20vanossfan109 ,

"By type i mean Tango, Waltz, Freestyle, Ballet, you know... Right?"

Basically: Oh. . .Um. . .I. . .I thought you meant that we have anyone who is a dancing type. I. . .I'm sorry about that.

407: Geez, I thought you're a smartass, Marcel. Don't disappoint me with your fucking knowledge.

Basically: My knowledge is not for you, okay?

407: . . .Well, you mistook such an easy sentence! You pretty much embarrassed your crew.

Basically: I. . .I didn't mean to. . .I just misunderstood. I. . .I won't do it again.

407: . . .I doubt it. Smartest member can be a dumbass, huh? *Giggles*

Nogla: *Kicks 407 in the face*

407: *Falls down* Ow! What the fuck!?

Nogla: I was just stretching my leg, then your face was there. *Turns to Basically* It's just a simple misunderstanding, everyone does it, so no need to take that guy seriously, Marcel.

Basically: . . .*Smiles* Thanks Nogla, and don't worry, I wasn't going to.

MiniLadd: Great job, Nogla. *Puts his machete away* I didn't had to waste my energy.

Droidd: Neither did I. *Stops his hands from sparking*

407: *Stands up* The fuck is wrong with you guys? It was just a joke.

Nogla: Well, you should make it believable that it's a joke. Sorry for kicking you in the face, I just wanted to shut you up, but it came out violently. *Giggles*

407: Seriously!?

Jiggly: I think you deserved it.

Basically: Anyway, let's answer the question properly this ti-

Nogla, MiniLadd & Droidd: NOPE, moving on.

Basically: . . .Okay?

Question from LizaDrawsgames ,

"I'll fix that for you *baka What would happen if bryce called someone baka on accident"

Bryce: I'm not gonna call someone that. I'm not addicted to anime or something.

Moo: I don't think anything would happen, but it just depends on people who he says that to.

Dare from TheDeliriousFamily ,

"Lunar: Okay! Since, CarToonz and Bryce are blushing, I dare you two to make out in front of Ohm and Ohm better not flirt or get in it or he doesn't get cuddles, like my brother said *smiles wide*"


CaRtOoNz: Hey, fuck you!

Ohm: Aww, BrytOoNz~.

Nogla: Oh, rare ship.

Bryce: Fuck no! I'm not doing it, even if it's a dare! I'm not kissing anyone!

CaRtOoNz: Except De-

Bryce: SHUT UP!

Ohm: Oh~, Brycey has a crushy on De-

Bryce: *Blush* SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Nogla: Ohhh! No wonder you respect De-

Bryce: *Blushing* STOP IT!

CaRtOoNz: Let me just call him~. Hey, De-

Bryce: *Grabs CaRtOoNz's shirt & kisses him*

Ohm: Ohhh~.

Nogla: *Giggles*

CaRtOoNz: *Pushes Bryce* Ugh! You really did it! You motherfucker!

Bryce: Ugh, I feel awful. . . *Covers his mouth*

Ohm: Well, now I get my cuddles back~.

Nogla: Not the best, but rare~. *Giggles*


lunatictedd16  "Hey wildcat, *passes flowers to wildcat* here you go! Have a great rest of the day! *hugs wildcat*"

Wildcat: Aww, *smiles* thank you so much! It's beautiful!

Jiggly: Yea, just like you.

Wildcat: *Blush* A-Anthony. . .

Jiggly: *Blush* S-Sorry, that just slipped out my mouth.

Vanoss: Yea, "slipped", huh?

Jiggly: Why are you here?

Vanoss: Well, it time for mission, and I need Tyler to do his part, so excuse us, you piece of shit. *Grabs Wildcat's hand, pulls him & walks away*

Jiggly: . . .Son of a bitch.

Wildcat: V-Vanoss, can I first put these flowers in the vase?

Vanoss: *Stops & turns around to Wildcat with a blush* I'll get you even better flowers, so just. . .focus on the repairing the base.

Wildcat: . . .*Smiles* Promise?

Vanoss: What?

Wildcat: *Blush* That you'll get me even better flowers.

Vanoss: . . .*Blush* Fine, but no promise for the date.

Wildcat: Okay, and. . .I'll wait for it.

Vanoss: *Blushing* G-Good. 

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