A Little Insane (Ask #357-359)

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Insane_Galaxy123 "Alex: *watches silently*

Adrien: you okay alex"

AWolfsJourney  "Holy fucking shit. Ok, Tyler calm down....come back to us"

RoseTheMaskedWriter  "Oh god. No Tyler! Don't be the person you don't want to be!"

H2OVanoss2016  "Vanoss do something about the situation now and stop it before someone you love likely get killed!? Jiggly team up with Evan and fight to whoever is doing this"

Vanoss: Calm the fuck down. *Looks at Jiggly*

Jiggly: Ugh. . .

Vanoss: I can handle him alone.

Question from Ninjaofdeathshadows ,

"What do you mean by that vanoss? "We meet again" are you saying that wildcat has another personality"

Vanoss: Not exactly, it is Tyler, but. . .let's just say it's his insanity side.

CaRtOoNz: Oh, those stuff.

Lui: . . . This is Wildcat's. . .power?

Vanoss: Exactly. Don't touch him or get touched. You don't know where you'll blow up.

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"Is that really Tyler?... basically, I believe when ohm was about to speak he probably knows who they are, or his beliefs"

Basically: Ohm knows? Hmm. . .could I be wrong then? And what do you mean, 'Is that really Tyler?', did something happen at the ba- *Sees a laptop on the ground* Huh? *Cautiously walks up to the laptop & looks at it* This is. . .a laptop. . . *Checks the laptop*


Basically: *Turns around*

~At the Base~

Vanoss: It is Tyler, but he's a bit insane at the moment. Something broke him, and I think I know what the cause is. Fucking bitches. . .

lunatictedd16  "Also... get everyone the fuck away from whoever is taking over wildcat! Before anyone get hurt or killed."

Lui: *Takes out a knife* Bullshit! It's Wildcat! With power or not! *Attacks Wildcat*

Vanoss: Lui!

Wildcat: *Looks at Lui*

Lui: Fuck you! *Swings his knife to Wildcat*

Wildcat: *Grabs the knife, suddenly the knife broke*

Lui: Wha-

Nogla: Kid!

Wildcat: *Swings his fist to Lui*

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