What Shall He Make? (Ask #199-202 + Dare #56)

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Question from MangoesandHoes ,

"Oh lit people consider me an anti too :) i dont take that as an insult im glad im bold enough about certain things to earn a title for it Also is baby vanoss too much to ask for cuz i really want baby vanoss too :D!!"

MiniLadd: *Drinks his medicine* . . .Yea, that's too much.


AWolfsJourney  "You'll be ok Mini, it's allergy season for everyone over right now as well, did not think it start so early though"

MiniLadd: It's not because of the season, I'm allergic to dogs, and we literally met a dog outside, because of TYLER! I swear to god. . .he'll pay. This is the second time he did it! Child or not, it doesn't matter!

AWolfsJourney  "*still in wolf form and gives baby Wildcat a piggy back ride*"

Wildcat: *Hugs onto the wolf & giggles*

Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (So cute.)

Nogla: Yea, but we need to get him to bath or Mini is gonna be grumpy.

Terroriser: I mean. . .he already is grumpy. . .kinda.

AWolfsJourney  "So Droid...during the 3 wishes...you admitted you want to love Lui :3 and not by force either. And u can do that if you learn to be honest, but you must be honest with yourself first :)"

Droidd: . . .I'm trying, it's not easy.

MiniLadd: Small steps, Droidd. Small steps.

sattelizergames  "if they kiss, i can die properly, -whispers- especially if it's a threesome with ohm, dracula, and satt. huehuehue."

Sattelizer: What?

Swag: What do you mean, 'what'? You hurt my birdie, Satt, I need you to pay the insurance.

Sattelizer: I wasn't talking to you! And Swag. . .did you meet Ohm?

Swag: Ohmwrecker? Yea, before I came here, I met him. He's a pretty man.

Sattelizer: *Slams his hands on his desk* If you ever think about stealing him from me, I will kill you.

Swag: . . .*Giggles* If I feel like it.

Sattelizer: I'm not sharing Ohm with you! Nor with anyone else! He's mine!

Swag: Well, you seem to have competitions.

Sattelizer: . . .Shit! Gorilla! We're going out! *Grabs his jacket*

Gorillaphent: To where?

Sattelizer: To they BBS headquarters! Swag, you're coming as well!

Swag: Hmm. . .nah, I would like to-

Sattelizer: *Grabs Swag's shirt* I said YOU'RE COMING. *Drags Swag out*

Gorillaphent: Sattelizer! *Follows*

KatelynSQuestions  "Come on Moo,The boy admires you and your work,He's basically your fan,No need to be that harsh"

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