Advice (Ask #28-35 +Dare #4-5)

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Question from amber_sketches ,

"Well Evan you are going back soon. How do you feel about all this?"

Evan: Well. . .I kinda miss my friends, so I'm happy to go back, but. . .if I go back, I'm gonna miss these guys. . .

Terroriser: *Hugs Evan* Aww, Evan, I hope we meet again!

Evan: *Hugs back* Thanks Brian. Time sure flies.

Terroriser: *Giggles* It sure does.


sunniidee  "cheer up Vanoss!, I'm always here if you wanna talk..,"

Vanoss: . . .Thanks, and. . .I just can't wait to go back & see my crew. . .I miss them.

Question from Einaoplex18 ,

"Well, Vanoss you're going back to your universe.. How was it in the 1pUniverse?"

Vanoss: Peaceful, and. . .it was. . .pretty nice being here. . .I just. . .wish I could. . .feel Cody in my arms. . .even if he's not the Cody I know. . .

Craig: *Comes back* Sorry, and you alright?

Vanoss: Yea. . .I'm almost going back, so. . .I was just thinking. . .

Craig: . . .I see. I hope you'll be alright back in your universe.

Vanoss: *Giggles* Of course.

Question & Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,

"Wildtitty there's that tikidoll again what are you going to do with it? And a huge dare for Mini give Luke aka the Devil a big beautiful wedge and a wet will. 😈"

Tyler: Stop calling me that! It's 'Wildcat'! And I'm not doing shit with a tikidoll!


Craig: Um. . .It's not gonna go well.

Vanoss: What is a wet willy?

Craig: You don't know that?

Vanoss: Yea, the fuck is it?

Craig: Um. . .it's a prank. I'll show you.

~At Luke~

Luke: Don't be angry, Homie.

Ryan: I'm not, just. . .worried. Tyler wasn't feeling well after that. He must be feeling a bit. . .broken. He was forced to do it, he might be worried if Mini was hurt or something.

Luke: It's just a kiss alright?

Ryan: You're saying, you can kiss & make out whoever you want, whether they're friend or not, who doesn't have any sexual feelings to you? Even it's forced?

Luke: Well. . .I kissed with Delirious.

Ryan: That's cause you guys are close friends or brothers, and kiss can be a brotherly thing.

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