Story Time (Ask #292-298)

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Question from sunniidee ,

"Mini., I don't really understand why most of the other askers are being like that at the moment but that doesn't really matter to me right now, what I want to know is if you're alright., you don't have to tell me., you could tell someone you trust but if you don't want to that's alright., I just wanted to let you know that I hope that you're alright., okay?"

MiniLadd: I'm fine, so stop caring. Jesus, are you my mom or something?

Terroriser: Mini, they're worried about you. Maybe. . .the medicine is causing unusual side effects.

MiniLadd: Well, it's too late by now. Brian, pass me the pollen.

Terroriser: Okay. *Hands Mini a tube of pollen*

Cosmic_glass  "...........MINI WTF.......sorry for pushing you I thought you where about to KILL him. I am so mad at ........

myself that I fell for that. I'm an idiot."

AWolfsJourney  "*sighs* thank God. I thought something bad was gonna happen"

MiniLadd: I'm not gonna waste my energy to kill Jason. What's the point of killing him anyway? Delirious is gonna fucking explode in rage.

Terroriser: *Giggles a bit* Very true.

Question from VanShipperz ,

"Akuma: That was pretty cute I guess

Me: Somebody's Jelly


Kodrsu wraps an arm arround Akuma and Akuma blushes

Me:*sqeauls before fainting*

Caído: Well she died. But she told me to ask you this"Did I miss somthing, What's wrong with Craig?""

Terroriser: We don't know.

MiniLadd: Nothing is wrong with me. You guys are just being all paranoid and shit. It's annoying, so stop it.

Terroriser: Mini!

AWolfsJourney  "Anyways....2pWildcat....*tackle hugs 2pWildcat* :3 I love u BBBFF and here!*gives him carnations* and also, come play video games with me, I'm bored"

Wildcat: Aww, thank you. Well. . .I'm not good at it, but if you want, I would love to play games with you. *Smiles*

Question from KarmaXKid ,

"Karma: OH, THANK GOD. I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DO SOMETHING WORSE. You looked like you were going to kill him. Anyway, back to Delirium; "The humanity's karma"?



X: You're not doing your so called "job" very well.

Karma: Shut up."

(Jason: . . .If bringing karma is your job. . .then DO IT RIGHT! Why haven't you give karma to the humans who are toxic to the world!? They've killed people just for their selfish desires! Why does toxic humans get to live, and the innocent ones die!? HUH!?)

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