Planning (Ask #400-403 + Dare #101-102)

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~In the cell~

407: *Sleeping*

Basically: I GOT IT!

407: *Wakes up* What?

Nogla: You got the location?

Basically: Yea! They're gonna be at a 34D Storage tomorrow. I reversed their hack & tracked them, also sneaked into some files & found the plan.

Legiqn: That's pretty impressive.

Noah: Whoa. . .

407: *Yawns* So, what's the plan?

Basically: We're gonna cut them off at afternoon on the road. I'll calculate the possible outcomes, and figure out the route. Nogla, can you assist me?

Nogla: Sure thing.

Basically: Grab a map, and find the places I say, those are gonna be the checkpoints.

Nogla: Roger. *Grabs a map* Noah, give me a helping hand.

Noah: Of course!

407: Jesus Christ. . .


AWolfsJourney  "Vanoss, don't blame yourself for something no one knew what would happen. Don't worry, everything will work out."

~At the base~

Vanoss: . . .

CaRtOoNz: . . .Well, you certainly aren't a god.

Question from Cosmic_glass ,

"Hey mini, long time no see heh

How's your arm, is it getting better? *smile* take care of yourself okay"

CaRtOoNz: Obviously, I'm not Mini, but let me answer it, since Mini is. . .dead right now.

Vanoss: *Glares at CaRtOoNz*

CaRtOoNz: Okay, not dead, but in a coma. His arm is. . .hmm. . .I don't think it's better, but sure that it's not worse.

Dare & Question from AddictedShipper ,

"I have a dare!! I want to see ohm and nogla together also! You know im crazy and all, i think i ship Luke and Evan so like...... maybe i can see them hug and do a few make outs? I MEAN just for a day, and if they hate each other then im not gonna be more of a bitch ya know? 😉👌

Also if you do my dare i have tons of cake 🍰🍰🍰 i can shareeee if anyone wants some!! I have all flavors, 👌"

CaRtOoNz: . . .*Lays Delirium down gently & stands up* Okay. . .I think you need some, Vanoss.

Vanoss: Shut up.

CaRtOoNz: *Walks up to Vanoss* You keep on blaming yourself for no fucking reason.

Vanoss: *Turns to CaRtOoNz* You don't understand, you gun maniac.

CaRtOoNz: Yea, I do not, but it fucking bothers me.

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