Getting Out? (Ask #427)

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Ninjaofdeathshadows  "Vanoss, Wildcat is in trouble as well as everyone else they are fight with the derp crew in different dimensions !"

Vanoss: What?

Jiggly: Tyler. . .no. . .

Droidd: Why are they fighting? And who are the Derp Crew?

CaRtOoNz: Oh yea, you don't know them, right Droidd?

Delirious: . . . (They are pro hacker gang. Intelligent & stealthy.)

Delirium: Fight?

Delirious: . . . (Don't worry about it, Jason.)

Vanoss: Dimensions?

CaRtOoNz: They pretty much suck at combats, we can easily kick their asses.

Delirious: . . . (But they use their surroundings & take control of any machines to their advance.)

RacingCatz: Dimensions. . .did they access a portal?

Vanoss: I doubt it. . .

Jiggly: Tyler. . . *Tries to go*

Vanoss: Where the fuck you're going?

Jiggly: To where Tyler is of course. If he's in trouble, I can't stand & wait here.

Vanoss: You can't go! Or Tyler is going to die, remember!

Jiggly: But if I don't, he's gonna die either way!

Vanoss: Nogla, Lui, Bryce, Marcel & Ohm are with him! They're not gonna screw this up!

Jiggly: I can't trust them!

AWolfsJourney  "Holy shit! Vanoss! Everyone's in trouble! You did hear Wildcat! They're pulling him down and about to kill him with everyone else! He's gonna snap again!!! AGH!!!!!*Jumps out the window*"

Vanoss: . . .

Jiggly: Are you gonna just stand here & do nothing!? Even if your teammates are about to die!? *Grabs Vanoss' shirt* What kind of a leader are you for fuck's sake!?

Delirious: . . . (Anthony, please stop.)

Vanoss: . . .This is a redemption. These kinds of situation will occur in the future, if he can't get through this, he won't survive long.

Jiggly: He doesn't belong in this crew! If he can't go through this, what's the point of all this!? You're the one who's killing Tyler the most!

Delirium: *Shivers, holds Delirious' hand* Why is Mr. Jiggly yelling?

H2OVanoss2016  "Your crew looks like in Trouble your going to need back up *grabs Tyler* hold on Piggy i'll get you out of here! *heads for the cars and drove off* Evan you need to get everyone you know for help ASAP!"

Vanoss: . . .

Jiggly: *Slams Vanoss to the wall*

Delirious: . . .! (Anthony!)

RacingCatz: Evan!

Jiggly: You cold, monster! If Tyler dies, I'm going to blame everything on you, and kill you!

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