Okay. . . (Ask #176-179 + Dare #47-48)

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H20vanossfan109  "........ GORILLA! GET DRACULA TO MEET HIM!"

~At Sattelizer's Office~

Gorillaphent: I refuse, cause he is not my business. I'm not his babysitter or anything.

Sattelizer: Why do you want Swag anyway?

Gorillaphent: *Shrugs* All we could do is catch a bird, then stick a letter to it to inform him about this. Also, why do we still hear the fourth wall people?

Sattelizer: I guess, BBS broke some system. . .*Sigh* Fine, if they're gonna shut the fuck up about forcing Swag in, it's probably worth it. *Opens the window, then catches a bird with his chain, and pulls it in* Got one, Gorilla, write a letter to Swag.

Gorillaphent: Aye, sir. *Starts writing, finishes, then hands it to Sattelizer*

Sattelizer: *Ties the letter to the bird's leg, then releases it* You better hope it'll go to Swag.

Question from H20vanossfan109 , 

"D035 4ny0n3 und3574nd m3?"

Basically: "Does anyone understand me?", right? Ugh. . .my head hurts. . .

MiniLadd: No duh, you were pretty drunk last night, and almost killed Nogla.

Basically: I-I did?

MiniLadd: Yea.

Basically: Oh no. . .where is he? I need to apologize.

MiniLadd: Don't worry, I'm sure he doesn't give a fuck. You were just drunk, he understands.

Basically: . . .I hope so.

Question from LuisentMoon ,

"Ooh! Is Wildcat getting jealous? It's ok, Wildcat. I'm here! *hugs Wildcat* Don't worry Ohmie I'm stealing him! You know this"

Wildcat: J-Jealous? I. . .

Ohm: *Takes out his knife* GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!

AWolfsJourney  "*hugs Wildcat* rest"

Wildcat: . . .I don't know. Was I. . .jealous? Vanoss doesn't really show his soft side. . .but. . .when Cody was around him. . .he was. . .different.

Ohm: *Pulls Wildcat away from the asker, then pulls him into a hug* Don't worry Kitty, Evy loves you. It's just, Catz was comfortable to be with for Evy.

Wildcat: . . .Well, I understand. Cody is a comfortable friend to have.

Ohm: *Kisses Wildcat's cheek* You worry too much, Wildkitty~.

Wildcat: *Blushes a bit, hugs back Ohm* Maybe. *Giggles* Thank you Ohm.

Ohm: No problem~.

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

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