Welcome Back (Ask #1-3)

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Question from Kingggjaay ,

"welcome back everyone how was things when you all was speperated?"

Vanoss: . . .Don't know what to say. . .it was. . .just. . .peaceful, yet busy searching for missions.

Terroriser: Well, I got to spend some time with Andrew, he was pretty cool.

Basically: Yea, I liked it.

Nogla: I knew you guys would! And it was great having you guys at my place. *Smiles*

Wildcat: It was fun, I got to play with Jason. *Smiles*

Delirious: . . . (Jason was really happy that they came, and I'm happy about that.)

Lui: It was fun, I. . .kinda missed Methane. . .so, it was a good thing that we got to spend some time.

Bryce: It was not that bad to have someone in my house.

Moo: Heh. . .good, I guess?

MiniLadd: So relaxing~.

CaRtOoNz: Good? Bad? I don't know, it was kinda boring.

Droidd: . . .To be honest. . .it was a little lonely, you know.

Jiggly: . . .Well, normal.

407: We hit the jackpot this morning! And this guy *pointing at Jiggly*, couldn't stop worrying about Tyler.

Jiggly: Of course, he's my *blush* friend.

Ohm: Well. . .I had some fun~. *Giggles*

Question from FiFiBallinas ,

"Think about what?"

Basically: This is for. . .Droidd.

Droidd: . . .*Sigh* I'm telling. . .only because it's FiFi. *Takes out his wallet* This wallet. . .has some secret. The reason why I have the. . .*Frowns* curse.

MiniLadd: . . .Okay, we're not gonna ask any further.

Droidd: . . .Thanks.

Question from TheDeliriousFamily ,

"Tyler!!!! I missed you! Where have you been!?! I've been waiting at your old base to see if you'd come back and pick me up! *cries on Tyler's chest*"

Wildcat: I-I'm so sorry. . .*Hugs the asker* I was at Delirious' house. . .I'm sorry.

Jiggly: *Smiles & pats the asker's head*

Vanoss: . . .Get the fuck out of the base, all of you.

Wildcat: But-

Vanoss: *Stomps his foot* NOW!

Jiggly: The fuck is your problem!?

Vanoss: I want that rat out! I know Tyler is not going to let her go, so I'm telling him to leave as well! And since you only care for Tyler, you can go out too!

Jiggly: I hate how you treat Tyler! Why can't you be nice for once!?

Vanoss: It's not my type!

Jiggly: So what!? You can always try! Seriously!

Vanoss: SHUT UP! Right now, the important thing is to repair the base, so we gotta do missions! There's no time for this bullshit!

Jiggly: Having an emotional time is illegal!? You care about something you shouldn't! You should care for your members!

Vanoss: I do! That's why I want the base to be repaired!

Jiggly: That's not the point!

Vanoss: Then what the fuck is it!?

Jiggly: You always push your idea to your members! Why can't you let them do what they want!? You're just forcing them!

Vanoss: What do you know about their feelings!?

Jiggly: I don't! But I sure know how Tyler feels!

Wildcat: Please stop!

Vanoss & Jiggly: *Looks at Wildcat*

Wildcat: I-I'll go, so. . .please stop fighting. . .*Tears up*

Vanoss: . . .*Looks away*

Jiggly: . . .*Walks up to Wildcat* We're sorry. Let's go outside.

Wildcat: *Nods & goes outside*

Jiggly: *Glares at Vanoss, & goes outside with Wildcat & the asker*

Terroriser: . . .You know, you could've said that you were just jealous.

Vanoss: *Blush* SHUT UP, AND I WASN'T!

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