Family Time #2

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3rd Person P.O.V:

In the surgery room, white sparkles came out of Taya's body. "Shit." Said MiniLadd, and continues. "W-What was that?" asked Wildcat, and Delirious said, ". . ." The sparkles disappeared, but white angel wings appear in front of Taya's face. "Taya!" Wildcat shouted, and stood up, then Delirious holds Wildcat back. ". . .!" "Shut up guys! Fuck. . ." said MiniLadd, and continues. Suddenly, Taya groans, and opens to show dark red eyes, then screams in pain, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tears came out, and Wildcat shouted, "TAYA!" ". . ." "Shit!" said MiniLadd, and was able to stop it.

Suddenly Taya woke up, and said, "W-What happened?" "Taya!" said Wildcat, and MiniLadd sighed of relief a bit. "So? What happened? Don't leave me hanging!" said Taya. "Just get back, I want to finish it. Why can't you fucker stay still? It's like you're asking me to kill you." Said MiniLadd. "Mini, please. . ." said Wildcat, then Taya tears up, and yells at him, "FINE! I WON'T DO SHIT FOR YOU IF YOU'RE GONNA ACT DISRESPECTFUL!!!!!" She pushes MiniLadd away, then runs to the park, and Wildcat follows her. "God. . .fuckin-" Delirious cuts MiniLadd off, ". . .! . . .!" "'Be nice'? BULLSHIT! I'M NOT DOING THAT! I'M WASTING MY ENERGY JUST FOR HER BITCHASS! I'M FUCKING TIRED! I'M THE ONE WHO WANTS TO CRY!" shouts MiniLadd, and goes after Wildcat & Taya. ". . .!" said Delirious, and tries to follow Mini, but Moo punches Delirious in the stomach, making him fall to his knees, then said, "Just stay here."

Taya cries on the bench, her wolf ears flattened, Wildcat found her, and said, "Taya. . ." He walks up to her, then Taya heard his footsteps, and looked at him, her eyes turned black. "T-Taya?" asked Wildcat, and MiniLadd came to the park, then saw them together. Taya cries a bit, and hugs Wildcat, then said, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" Wildcat hugs Taya back, and said, "Shhhh, calm down." Taya looks at the old photos of her & her brothers. ". . .I miss the old times." ". . .Taya. . .I'm sorry." Said Wildcat. "I feel like going to 1pTyler's house. . . .It has been a while. . ." said Taya, smiling a bit. "What do you mean?" asked Wildcat. "Remember the message I gave you two? I haven't been at his place ever since that message. . .It hurts to see that everyone, who are your siblings. . .hates you, doesn't know what problem you've been through. . .I have no friends to even hang out with, so I usually hang out with my daughter, but she is dead. . .I can't control this feeling anymore! I feel. . .angry & jealous. . ." said Taya with tears, and Wildcat tears up, then said, "I. . .I'm just so. . .confused. I don't hate you. . .I'm happy to have a sister. . .I. . .I. . ." Wildcat trailed off & started crying. "I'm happy to have two older brothers. . .I wouldn't be happier without you guys." Said Taya, and Wildcat said, "I'm sorry. . .I'm sorry. . ."

Taya turned to a wolf pup, and laid down on Tyler's lap. "I'm always here for you when you're troubled big brother. . .Don't forget that. . ." "Taya. . ." said Wildcat. "By the way, Craig, you can stop looking at us and come over here, if you want. You're not ruining the moment!" said Taya to MiniLadd, who was just standing & watching them. Wildcat looked at MiniLadd, and said, "Mini. . ." ". . .Just let me finish what I came here for." Said MiniLadd. Taya yawns before nodding, then turns back to a human, and stands up.

They all went back to the hospital, the surgery room, and MiniLadd continues his work. ". . .?" asked Delirious, and Wildcat replied, "Yea, don't worry." While MiniLadd was working, Taya's wolf ears twitches, and she tries to speak, but it comes out as muffled, then she started whimpering. ". . .?" asked Delirious, suddenly Taya whimpers louder, and tries to move. "Shit! Stay still!" said MiniLadd. "Taya. . ." said Wildccat worried, and Taya stopped moving, staying still like MiniLadd said. Delirious pats Wildcat's back, then Taya started whimpering even more, and Wildcat held her hand. "Taya!" She squeezes Wildcat's hand, and Wildcat asked, "Mini, what is going on!?" "Shut up! I'm almost done!" shouted MiniLadd, then after few more minutes, Taya stops whimpering.

"T-Taya?" asked Wildcat, then Taya opens her eyes, and asked, "T-Tyler? Where am I?" "Are you okay? You're in the hospital." Said Wildcat. "I-I'm fine. My body hurts a little. . ." replied Taya, then Wildcat hugs her, and said, "It's okay. . .your safe now." Taya hugs back, "I-I'm scared Tyler. . ." "Don't be. . .I'm here for you." Reassures Wildcat, and Taya cries on his shoulder. "I want to go home." "Let's go home." Said Wildcat, and carries her, then Taya asked, "C-Can we go to your dimension?" "Um. . ." Wildcat looked at MiniLadd, who glared at him, so Wildcat said, "I. . .don't think you can. . .I'm sorry." "I-I just wanted to see the rest of your c-crew but i-its fine. I wanted to see C-Cartoonz. . ." ". . .?" asked Delirious. "Why?" asked Wildcat, then Taya replied, "I don't know. . .I just want to see him & Ohm get along. . ." "They're doing fine, don't worry." Said Wildcat with a small smile. "Okay. . .Can we visit 1pTyler real quick?" asked Taya with a big smile. "Um. . .I-I don't know. . ." replied Wildcat, then Delirious said, ". . ." Taya cheered, "Yay! This is why you are my second, best friend Delirious!" Taya hugged Delirious, and he hugs her back with a smile. Wildcat looks at MiniLadd, and asked "Can we?"

"You know what's gonna happen if we go into 1pUniverse RIGHT NOW, right?" asked MiniLadd with his arms crossed. Taya frowns, and turns into a pup, cuddling closely in Wildcat's chest, then Delirious said, ". . ." "Please." Said Wildcat, then MiniLadd sighed. ". . .Fine, but I'm not stopping Evan from beating you guys up, okay? I'm gonna tell the others & take contact with Brian & Marcel." MiniLadd went out the room.

Taya started growling when she heard Vanoss' name. ". . .?" asked Delirious. "What's wrong?" asked Wildcat, and Taya replied with her eyes turning dark, "I. Don't. Like. Evan!" Wildcat frowned a bit, and said, "You. . .don't?" "I mean. . .he did hurt you a lot, and gave you stitches! I won't forgive him for treating you like shit! You deserve way more! Like Jiggly! He stayed by your side!" Wildcat blushes a bit, "Um. . .b-but he's not. . .that bad. . ."

Nogla came in, and said, "We got the portal open." Taya jumps off of Wildcat's arms, and runs to Nogla's feet, rubbing her back on his leg. "Get used to it. Because my back will always be itchy." Giggled Taya, and Nogla did as well. "Alright, and guys get ready to go. Oh! Taya, can I. . .say something before we go?" asked Nogla. Taya twitches her left ear, letting him know that she's listening, then Nogla's smile disappeared, ". . .I kinda overheard you guys talking, and. . .I just. . .wanted to say. . ." Taya's eyes widened as she whimpers, and covers her ears. ". . .Taya. . .I'm sorry, but. . ." ". . .!" Delirious shouted. Wildcat hugs Taya, and Taya said, "I-I'm sorry N-Nogla. I-I thought you were gonna get mad, and hit me, b-but continue please. . ." "Nogla, please do-" Nogla cut Wildcat off, "Taya. . .if you want us to do a favor for you. . .you better stop talking shit about Vanoss. I don't want to hurt you." Nogla's kind expression suddenly changed, and Taya shifts into human, pushes Wildcat away, then said, "Fine. You don't have to do me a favor. Don't EVER talk to me again. . ." Taya shifts into a wolf, and runs out. "Taya!" said Wildcat, and tried to go after her, but Nogla grabbed Wildcat's arm.

". . .!?" shouted Delirious, Taya stopped running as she heard Delirious and turns around to see Nogla grabbing Wildcat's arm, then she growls. Wildcat tears up, and shouts, "What is wrong with you, Nogla!? I thought you liked her! Why did you even say that to her!?" Delirious took his machete out, and said, ". . ." Nogla remained silent, then Wildcat started struggling. "Let go!" Nogla tightened the grip, and Delirious shouted ". . .!" "Calm down, Moo went to help her already."

Moo shoots his gun at Taya, not hitting her, but it was close. Taya shifts into a pup, and Moo said, ". . .I gotta train my aim. Come on, we're going. Stop causing trouble." Moo picks Taya up, and goes back to where the others are. Taya hides her face in Moo's jacket, and Moo said, "I caught her." "Taya!" said Wildcat, and runs up to her, along with Delirious. Taya's ears perks up, and looks at Wildcat, "T-Tyler. . ." Wildcat tears up, and Delirious asked, ". . .?"

Taya cries as blood comes out of her eyes, and shouts, "I'M SORRY!!!!!! I'M SORRY FOR CAUSING YOU GUYS TROUBLE!!!!!! I DESERVE TO DIE!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS DIDN'T HAVE TO HELP ME IF IT WASN'T FOR CRYSTAL!!!!!! YOU GUYS WOULD'VE NOT GET IN THESE PROBLEMS WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She jumps onto Wildcat's arms, and he hugs her tight, "Please. . .don't cry. . ." Delirious & Jiggly hugs Wildcat. "I'm sorry big brother. . .C-Can we just go to the 1pUniverse and see 1pWildcat?" asked Taya, and looked at Nogla, Moo, & MiniLadd. Jiggly wipes Wildcat's tears, Nogla & Moo looked at MiniLadd, then Moo asked, "Should we? Well, it's already a bad idea." "Who cares." Said MiniLadd, and opens the portal to 1pUniverse. Taya jumps down from Wildcat's arms, and walks up to the portal, then she wags her tail and looks up at Wildcat. He holds her hand, and said, "Let's go."

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