The Unexpected (Ask #404-409)

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Cosmic_glass  "CaRtOoNz you almost scared the shit out of me, don't do that ever again.... I really care about Mini Okay. I wish he gets better soon, hopefully."

CaRtOoNz: What did I say? How did I scare you?

Delirious: . . . (I hope Mini will get better soon as well.)

AWolfsJourney  "Poor Vanoss :'("

Delirious: . . . (He hasn't slept for a while, but I'm glad RacingCatz helped him out.)

Question from CherryBlossm112 ,

"Where Mini? Is he okay? I'm really worrying about him, I really do. And Cartoonz don't do that to him alright... I scared to losing him okay... please don't do that again. 😞😞"

CaRtOoNz: What the fuck did I do?

Delirious: . . . (To answer your question. . .Mini is on his bed, inside an ice crystal that Cartoonz made.)

CaRtOoNz: It was gross, man. All those red thingys appeared on Mini's chest.

Question from Ninjaofdeathshadows ,

"I hope that vanoss is okay and the mat is good that he gets some sleep and coby I have an question for you. Are you okay because of all that is happening and what not :/ that's all I want to said and ask bye"

RacingCatz: Well. . .I'm not okay. This is really painful. . .seeing my friends hurt & in sorrow, but. . .I'm trying to stay positive.

Question from oreiin ,

"Evan, I know I can't change you and I know that you've been through so much in your life., but is this really the way to go?

you're scared aren't you? I understand why you hurt Tyler, you hurt him because of what he did to your brother, you didn't want to lose your brother too., you already lost someone important to you in your life, you don't want to go through the same pain again,

I'm guessing Tyler is someone important to you since you like him, when you fought him you risked your chance of losing him, you risked losing someone else you care about.,

in your life you've been hurt too many times, you don't want to be hurt anymore but you keep risking yourself to be hurt, you hurt your family to teach them something., everyone in your family has been hurt by you but the only reason why you hurt them was to teach them,

I read through Marcel's files of you guys and some information said that you came from a broken family., were you taught that when you were younger?

whatever happens just know that I'm still here., alright?"

Vanoss: . . .

RacingCatz: Evan. . .I know you had a tough life, but. . .

Vanoss: I was never taught, even if I was being taught, I don't remember. I didn't care. I had no interest in anything.

RacingCatz: . . .Evan, you were taught differently how to care. I'm sure your parents cared about you & you did, somewhere in your heart.

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