Wildcat's Christmas Kiss~ (Ask #86 + Dare #21)

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Dare from AWolfsJourney ,

"Hey 2pWildcat! Since it's the holidays, I wanted to something "fun" for you! So I'm daring you Piggy boy to dress up as a sexy Ms. Claus while standing under the mistletoe, you can't leave the mistletoe until you give everyone in the crew a sweet kiss my BBBFF 2pWildcat~ in case you get bored, I set up some snacks, drinks, blankets, and Netflix for you. Btw, if the same team member comes back under the mistletoe, you do not have to kiss them again unless you want to, don't let them force you either."

Wildcat: WHAT!?

Terroriser: I think I can help.


Wildcat: *Covering his blushing face with his hands* Uuuu. . .

Terroriser: You look cute, Tyler. *Smiles*

MiniLadd: Brian. . .what, the, fuck did you do?

Delirium: OMG! Kitty is so cute!

Moo: *Blush* The fuck are you wearing?

Delirious: . . . (Tyler. . .)

CaRtOoNz: *Giggles* You legit look like a bitch.

Ohm: OH MY GOODNESS~! Wildkitty, you're gonna make me hard~!

Bryce: . . .Uh. . .n-nice clothes. . .?

Nogla: Aww, that's adorable.

407: *Laughs* Oh my fucking god!

Basically: This is. . .unfortunate for Tyler. Good thing the asker gave you some stuff.

Droidd: You look beautiful, Wildcat. *Smiles*

Lui: . . .Gross.

Jiggly: *Blush* T-Tyler. . .

Vanoss: *Blush* Uh. . .

Wildcat: *Blushing* Please stop looking at me. . .

Terroriser: So, the dare. . .who's gonna-

Ohm: I WANT HIM! *Hugs Wildcat*

Wildcat: O-Ohm!?

Ohm: Oh, my baby~! *Kisses Wildcat*

Wildcat: *Blush* Mmmm~!

MiniLadd: *Pulls Ohm away from Wildcat* That's enough, Ohm.

Ohm: So sweet~!

Wildcat: *Blushing*

Terroriser: Who's next? We all have to do it eventually, so. . .

Delirium: Can I kiss Kitty?

Vanoss: Fuck no! You're not in the crew!

Delirious: . . .! (Vanoss, be nice!)

Delirium: *Frowns a bit*

Wildcat: . . . *Walks up to Delirium* I would like to kiss you.

Delirium: Really?

Wildcat: *Smiles* Of course.

Delirium: Kitty! I love you! *Kisses Wildcat*

Wildcat: *Kisses back gently*

Lui: Gross! Stop it, Methane!

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