BasicallyIDoWrk Info - KryozGaming & LEGIQN

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KryozGaming - 

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KryozGaming - 

Name: John Birthplace: United States Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: Black Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Orange Current Affiliation: Insta-GramPolice Best Friend: None Partner: Marksman & Legion Crush: Smii7y Personality: Cheerful, Kind, & Merciful Sibling: None Work: In charge of keeping track of missions, and assisting Marksman & Legiqn.

Interesting Facts: Kryoz is a pretty naïve cop, but he has strong justice, though he has a soft spot, maybe too big of a soft spot. He uses ropes & he is pretty good at catching criminals with it.

Childhood: Kryoz is a wealthy man, and his parents were expecting on him a lot. He was trained to self-defense & have intelligent, he was quite strong against pressures, but he was too kind. His family was attacked by a gang, and he was held hostage, but a police officer saved him, that's when he held a dream to become a policeman. He explained to his parents & started training to become a police.

Adulthood: When he became an adult, he went individual, his parents did disown him, when Kryoz said he wanted to be a police, instead of inheriting the family's business. Kryoz looked positively forward for his dream, and it did take him awhile, but he accomplished his dream. He had simple missions at first, but when he was put in a three-man partnership, he was given a big mission, along with Legiqn & Marksman. It went successful at first, but he put sympathy into the mission, that caused him to almost die. Marksman saved him, and Kryoz owed him a ton. Kryoz didn't know what to do, he can't be cold blooded, that's not himself, but it might cause the same mistake again. Marksman helped him out, and Kryoz decided to stay as himself, he won't let anything pull him down. After few years, he met Smii7y, and he has fallen in love pretty hard with him.

Currently: Kryoz is slowly, but surely, rising up with his position. Kryoz is very loyal to Marksman, the one who saved his life & he admires Marksman. He is apparently 'dating' Smii7y, but not sure if it's official.

Skills: Acrobatic skills, hand-to-hand combat, super speed, minor strength, shooting skills, skilled driver, summoning skills

Yandere Level: 1/10

Ability Type: Speed

Mystery: Kryoz's mysterious point is how positive he is. He doesn't let pressure, guilt, or anything to pull him down, even if it did, he recovers pretty quick. How is his mental that strong, without being cold-blooded?


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Name: Jordan Payton Birthplace: Missouri Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: White Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Yellow Current Affiliation: Insta-GramPolice Best Friend: None Partner: Kryoz & Marksman Crush: None Personality: Chill, Carefree & Cocky Sibling: None Work: In charge of technology tools, securing weapons & following Marksman's orders

Interesting Facts: Legiqn is a pretty neutral officer, who can summon tools anytime. He's loyal, but still cocky & carefree. He's in a three-man partnership with Marksman & Kryoz. He is a police officer, but he seems to have a criminal record, so he has a disadvantage to be in a higher rank. He is pretty skilled at guns & sniping.

Childhood: Legiqn has been neglected by his parents, but he never complained, instead he endured. He was taken care by auto-shop owners, and learned how to take care of machines, cars, etc. One day, his parents left, he waited for his parents to come back, but they were killed. The police came to take him to an orphanage, but Legiqn was skilled with tech & machines, so the police decided to train him to be a police officer.

Adulthood: When he became an adult, he was obedient as a police officer. One day, he was assigned for a mission, to neutralize a terrorist, and this is when he committed his first crime. He disobeyed the orders & killed the hostage, then neutralized the terrorist. This was taken seriously & in a big scale, they put a criminal record on him. Since then, Legiqn has been taking some bad treatments by other officers, but he never cared.

Currently: He is in a three-man partnership with Marksman & Kryoz, which was a big help for him. By working with them, he gained good reputation & some respect.

Skills: Acrobatic skills, hand-to-hand combat, average speed, super strength, high shooting skills, skilled driver, skilled pilot, summoning skills, skilled mechanic

Yandere Level: 2/10

Ability Type: Power

Mystery: Legiqn is quite mysterious, at such young age, hehad such strong endurance. Why did he kill the hostage? There must be a reason he did that. Why does he have a criminal record & still remain as a police officer? 

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