Battle of Each Dimensions (Ask #422-426)

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Question from AWolfsJourney , CookiGirlLove1234 , & lunatictedd16 


"Marksman!!! Are you ok?? Wildcat! Help him! And how dare you Smarty???"

"U ok, marksman? Make sure to know your surroundings, wildcat, I don't want anybody to get hurt... and smarty, why did you do that?"

Wildcat: Nick!

Marksman: I'm fine. . .don't worry. *Takes the knife out*

Smarty: Don't worry, he's not bleeding to death or anything. Also. . .do you need to ask? I did it to have fun. Boss said we can do whatever we want with them. . .even kill them.

Marksman: . . .I see. . .digital blade, no wonder there's no blood.

Smarty: Good thing you have a lot health.


AWolfsJourney  "G!jacjeibrjvbjv?h?ikaidlidmqebkl HOLY SHIT!!! THIS IS ALL INSANE!!!"

Ze: This is just a little play~. I haven't even used half of my powers.

Bryce: Fuck you!

Legiqn: This is really weird.

Nogla: . . .Quite interesting, there's no physical damage to the body, but. . .it sure does take stamina dodging. There must be an open point.

Ze: Let's see if you can find it.

Nogla: I can't, but Marcel can.

~Dimension 2~

407: . . .Wow! I'm breathing underwater!

Kryoz: This is. . .cool! I wish SMii7y was here.

Basically: . . .I see, this is just an illusion, you just changed the gravity to water level. Now, we're moving like we're in water.

407: That explains why we can breathe under water.

Chilled: *Summons sharks* Dodge these.

407: Oh shit! *Tries to dodge*

Kryoz: *Tries to dodge* Oh no, I can't move quick!

Basically: The gravity!

Chilled: Don't you guys love aquariums? I do. *Attacks*

Basically: *Takes out his gadget & shoots at the sharks*

407: *Takes out his gun & shoots at the sharks*

Kryoz: *Takes out his rope & captures the shark*

Chilled: Not bad. How about. . .this? *Summons mines*

Basically: Scotty! John!

Chilled: *Smirks & explodes the mines*

~Dimension 3~

Smarty: You want insane? I'll give it to ya! *Summons knives & attacks*

Swag: *Dodges* We're surrounded!

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