Love Troubles? (Ask #90-93 + Dare #23-24)

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amber_sketches  "Well I hope your base didn't get destroyed by the end of this season like last time"

Droidd: Hopefully. *Giggles a bit*

MiniLadd: As long as no one does stupid shit, it's fine.

Basically: Satt made the base harder to get destroyed, I'm just curious how he did it in just a week.

MiniLadd: Who cares, the base is fixed.

H20vanossfan109  "............. *Grabs butter sock* You're gonna die motherfucker"

Moo: Try it bitch!

Nogla: *Giggles* Calm down, Moo.

Moo: Hmph!

Nogla: You're being a bit too grumpy, like Mini.

MiniLadd: *From another room* I HEARD THAT! FUCK YOU!

Nogla: *Giggles*

Moo: . . .*Sigh* I'm just a bit pissed at Wildcat. . .

Nogla: He just helped a little puppy, what's so wrong about that?

Moo: And caused Mini to have a hard time to deal with stuff, then in the mission, he got in my way to fucking kill!

Nogla: I didn't know you cared for Mini, and you're pretty greedy when it comes to kills.

Moo: *Blushes a bit* He's the fucking medic, and you know how I get when it comes to kills.

Nogla: *Giggles* I know, I know.

LuisentMoon  "Man its been a while. Lots of drama and sh*t going on. But hey! Dare time! If you want to, I dare...hmm, who shall I dare. I have a pretty good one too. I bet Ohm would like it. And don't worry Ohmie~ I don't wanna take any of your loves away from you. I'm more into girls. But I think I'll be back once I've decided on my victim"

Ohm: That's good, and I'm curious of what the dare is~.

Bryce: If it's something inappropriate, and the victim was Delirious, I am going to fucking kill you.

Ohm: Aww~, it's cute of you to care for Delly~. You always care for him~, it's sometimes. . .suspicious~ .

Bryce: *Blush* SHUT UP!

Question from KarmaXKid  & KatelynSQuestions ,

"X: How wonderful, the team is back. I... Sound very sarcastic. But it really is fantastic for you to be back, right Kid- *Kid and Karma are gone*.... .... Right, they're doing that project. Anyway, I've forgotten what the mission was for. Care to remind me? And happy late new year to you all, too."

"What was your mission anyway?if it's personal it's okay"

Vanoss: The mission was to get some special flowers for Sattelizer. We made a deal with him, he'll fix the base & we give him the flowers. We had to drive quite a while, and fight some forest creatures. The flowers were. . .really nice. Tyler seemed to like it. . .

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