Tickles (Ask #52-56 + Dare #7)

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OmegaTheta  "Oh my goodness I did not mean for my wanting to be interpreted as that! Oh goodness... I did not mean it to be like that! Oh goodness I did it again.... Here! As a gift for making you feel that way and trying to inject myself into your lives, a sphere with a galaxy in it ^.^ (No need to worry about it breaking, took precautions ^v^)"

Terroriser: Aww, that's so sweet of you.

Vanoss: I told you, you're a loveable fuck.

Terroriser: *Giggles* If I'm lovable, then do you love me?

Vanoss: . . .You idiot, of course I do.

Terroriser: Oh. . .that was unexpected.

Vanoss: What?

Terroriser: You being honest. *Smiles* That was pretty cute, and thanks. I love you too Evan.

Vanoss: *Blush* I-I just show you in & out cause you're my best friend. We've known each other for a longass time, you dumbass!

Terroriser: *Laughs* I wish you were always honest.


Question from TheDeliriousFamily ,

"Taya: *fangirlism activate and stops* I want to tell Evan a really important apology for all the troubles I've cost him. I'd be there, facing you, telling you myself, if CRYSTAL didn't blow up the kitchen with flour! Crystal: IM SORRY! Taya: But anyways, I'd really appreciate if you and the gang come see our castle! It is huge and it has a lot of weapons over here! Like, RPG, Rifle, and a lot more. We don't really have good security since some of our guards are on partol, leaving me and the girls to protect ourselves. But, I'd be happy to see you guys again. Even if Evan, you are my enemy, I still want to know you better. See you later or soon! *waves at the TV before closing it*"

Vanoss & Terroriser: WHAT DID WE JUST TALK ABOUT!?

Terroriser: Have you forgot what we had to go through!?

Vanoss: By doing that, what do you think might happen next!? We messed enough in 1pUniverse!

Terroriser: Also, there are certain universes we can & can't go frequently. In this case, it's more of an emotional issue.

Vanoss: If I'm an enemy, then you should not invite me. I'm not going anyway, we have to repair our base, so we don't have time to visit you!

Terroriser: The apology was good, but. . .*sigh* I'm sorry, I. . .I kinda panicked. I really hope Tyler didn't hear about this. I don't want to see him cry again. . .it's just. . .too soon.

Vanoss: And weapons won't lure us. Just. . .*Sigh* I'm suddenly tired. . .*Sits down*

Question from JaeQuinzel ,

"2p Vanoss do you have any kinks? If so what are they."

(Shout-Out to BoogieStories124  & AWolfsJourney for the help!)

Vanoss: 'Kinks'? . . .I don't know & I don't want to know if I have it or not.

Terroriser: I know one of your kinks.

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