Drama's Coming! (Ask #342-344 + Dare #98)

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Question from AWolfsJourney , lunatictedd16 , oreiin , & KarmaXKid ,

"Holy shit what's wrong with Mini!?"

"Mini, are u ok? Speak to us man"

"You okay, mini? You can ignore me if it helps, mini..."

"Mini? what's going on? you really don't have to say it to me or anyone else I just want you to know that I hope you're okay,."

"Kid: But... why is the medic sick? ;-;

Karma: Is it possible to dare someone to feel better?

X: I don't think so.

Karma: Fuck.

Kid: Why is Mini not well? I'm worried... ;^;"

Terroriser: E-Everybody, calm down, please. Mini, are you alright?

MiniLadd: I just got pissed. . .

Terroriser: Mini, I think you need some time, like really. I'll go ask Evan for permission, so you rest, okay?

MiniLadd: *Sits down on his bed* . . .I just. . .that was my best shot. I tried, give me a break.

Terroriser: . . .Hey, you always seem to hate on Wildcat, I know he's weak & a bit clumsy, but he's a good guy. Why do you hate him? You have a giant, long list, right?

MiniLadd: . . .Well, people like him won't survive. If he's gonna get killed, it's better for him to leave than stay here.

Question from AWolfsJourney , lunatictedd16  & oreiin ,

"And also, are u ok Wildcat?"

"Are you alright, wildcat? I hope you are... *hugs wildcat*"

"also wildcat? are you sure you're alright? that really looked like it hurt.,"

Wildcat: I'm okay, don't worry. *Smiles a bit*

Jiggly: You should rest, Tyler.

Basically: He can rest in the data room. I need to talk with Tyler a bit. . .alone.

Jiggly: . . .Alright.

Delirious: *Helps Wildcat* . . . (Let's go, Tyler.)

Wildcat: Thank you, Delirious.

Question from Cosmic_glass ,

"Wait no mini second thought I'm not leaving you whenever you like it or not but who's voice was that?"

MiniLadd: Look who's flipping sides.

Terroriser: Voice? What do they mean?

MiniLadd: . . .Oh, you guys must've heard what I remembered. That voice belongs to a girl name, Dawn.

Terroriser: Mini. . .

MiniLadd: She was one of the BBS. . .she was killed by Evan when he went insane, that's it.

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