A-Okay (Ask #269-271 + Dare #82)

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Question from lunatictedd16 & Ninjaofdeathshadows  & KarmaXKid ,

"Who's your imaginary friend 1p lui?"

"1p lui why are you talking to someone named methane is a room alone, in a dark and dangerous like tone of voice"


Karma: Wait, I thought you erased your sense of sight and hearing...

Kid: I didn't want to! Calibre, who's your friend? I'd like to meet him! :D"

Calibre: Oh, well, you guys should know him. This is my "imaginary" friend, Jason, known as CH4Delirium. He's. . .probably 1pDelirium to make it easier. He's not dangerous.

(Jason: I'm not your friend, Lui.)

Calibre: *Giggles* I know.

KarmaXKid  "X: Kid, don't get too excited. What if they don't want to know you? There are people like that.

Kid: Oh... okay.

Karma: So, um, no joke, I was holding my breath through the whole chapter. Okay, maybe a exaggerated. Thank goodness it didn't happen. Askers are such bullies.

Kid: I-I'm a bully....? ;^;

Karma: No, no! Not you! Don't cry, please!"

(Jason: Yea, I don't want to know you. 1, cause you're not worth anything for me. 2, you're a crybaby.)

Calibre: Jason, that's not nice. You're really bad at making friends.

(Jason: Shut the fuck up, you shithead human!)

Calibre: Also, I gotta go back to others, wanna come? I mean, since you're already here. . .

(Jason: I'm not getting involved in this stupid shit, but I'll just observe you guys a bit.)

Calibre: He's just shy, guys. *Giggles*

Ninjaofdeathshadows  "and also 1p Evan what did you mean by you were scared of something else was it a familiar type of scare or was it something new to you (so many thing to ask again also don't answer if you don't want to but I just have a feeling that something bad might happen)"

Evan: I. . .I don't know. . .it felt a bit familiar, but. . .new? I don't know. . .

KarmaXKid  "X: So, you wanted to say something confusing?

Karma: Oh, yes! I did. First of all, are you guys okay if I talk about... um... I guess something related to AUs but not really but kind of yes...? You don't have to listen to what I say, of course. It's not like I'm DARING YOU TO DO SOMETHING AGAINST YOUR WILL THAT YOU'D RATHER NOT DO, you can ignore me."

MiniLadd: . . .

Basically: Um. . .I would like to hear it.

Question from sunniidee ,

"hey Evan, are you alright after all of that?, I'm sorry for what has happened lately..you and your friends just got dragged in when someone dared the 2ps to be there again..I hope you and Jon are okay.., can you tell that to Jon after he wakes up for me? you don't have to if you don't want to.., but I would appreciate it..

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