Who is in Control? (Ask #430)

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CherryBlossm112  "NOGLA!!! *try to run to Nogla but someone pull her back*"

Nogla: *On the ground, bleeding from his rib* Ugh. . .

Ze: I'm impressed with your reactions. You have sharp senses.

Nogla: *Covers his wound with his hand* You. . .are ruthless. *Giggles a bit*

Ze: Oh really? Well, you're about to taste more~.

Question from CookiGirlLove1234  ,

"Hmm.... me too karma* In a malicious voice* WiLl It WOrK? :) *Punches Ze*"

Ze: *Deactivates fourth wall attacks* You guys seems to be forgetting. . .who is in control.

wolfiechan12352  "Hey Bryce you should try seducing ze!"

Bryce: *Struggling* Are you fucking serious!?

Legiqn: *Struggling* It's worth a try. He said he won't kill you.

Bryce: But-

Ze: *Steps on Nogla's chest*

Nogla: Ugh!

Ze: *Raises his sword* Let's make this slow & painful~.

Bryce: Shit. . .fine! Hey Steven!

Ze: *Looks at Bryce* Yes, Brycey?

Bryce: . . .Come on. . .don't kill us.

Ze: I'm not going to kill you, so it shouldn't be a problem if others die.

Bryce: Nogla doesn't have a will to fight you. Don't waste your amazing power on him.

Ze: Hmm. . .

Bryce: . . .Come closer to me, Steven. I wanna see your sexy red eyes staring into mine~. *Wink*

Ze: *Blushes a bit* B-Brycey. . .

Bryce: (Seems to be working. Jeez, I hate to say, but I gotta thank Ohm.)

Nogla: *Reaches his hand over to the hologram panel & presses something* (Please. . .reach. . .)

~Dimension 2~

Basically: Scotty. . .John. . .

Chilled: *Summons harpoons & shoots at Basically*

Basically: *Dodges*

Chilled: *Lets go of 407 & attacks Basically*

407: *Coughs*

Kryoz: *Summons more ropes* I hope you're edible. *Captures the shark*

Chilled: *Summons a spear & swings it to Basically*

Basically: *Blocks* Chilled. . .

Chilled: Let's make this clear. . .you're a fake genius. You were made to be a genius, you fucking cheater!

Basically: I. . .*Glares at Chilled* I didn't wish this to happen!

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