Party's Over (Ask #170-175 + Dare #46)

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H20vanossfan109  "Satt i will kill you. Bryce calls Dracula Drac all the time"

Sattelizer: Oh, alright.

Bryce: I've not met that guy, you must be talking about 1p version of me.

AWolfsJourney  "Droidd, just be honest here. Just admit you were jealous of Nogla kissing Lui"

KatelynSQuestions  "Awww,Droidd no matter how much you deny it,actions speak louder than words,you care for Lui"

Droidd: *Looks at his hands* . . .I shouldn't. *Clenches his fists*

Basically: Droidd?

Droidd: . . .*Smiles* Maybe, I was. *Turns to Basically* I would hate to see Lui being happy.

Basically: . . .What?

AWolfsJourney  "Hey Gorilla! what do you like to do?"

Gorillaphent: I like to read, listen to music, and do some shootings.

CaRtOoNz: Aye! Show me your bullet summoning power!

Gorillaphent: Uh. . .no. It takes my stam, you know? I don't really wanna waste it.

CaRtOoNz: Come on! You sound like Mini.

MiniLadd: Hey, fuck you, you maniac!

Gorillaphent: Well, maybe later.

CaRtOoNz: Fuck yea! You'll come in handy for me. I feel like you & I are gonna be a great duo!

Gorillaphent: . . .Didn't you say that before?

CaRtOoNz: Did I?

Gorillaphent: Pretty sure you did.

CaRtOoNz: . . .Oh well, you'll come in handy for me. I feel like you & I are gonna be a great duo! *Giggles*

Gorillaphent: . . .Okay.

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"Wildcat, I wanna ask you, if you had a choice to save only one person in the crew, who would you pick?"

Wildcat: W-What?

Jiggly: This is a heavy decision. . .

Wildcat: . . .I. . .I don't know. . .I. . .w-what should I do, Anthony?

Jiggly: Calm down, Tyler. This is a 'if' story, don't be serious about it, okay?

407: *Drinks his beer* I mean, it can happen in gang business.

Jiggly: Scotty, you zip your mouth.

Wildcat: I. . .I think. . .I'll choose. . .D-Delirious. H-He's my. . .friend, and h-he did help me a lot. I. . .

Jiggly: *Pats Wildcat's back softly* It's alright, Tyler.

407: I need another beer!

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

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