Medicine (Ask #242-250)

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Question from LizaDrawsgames ,

"Me: Is something up with mini...? I'm getting paranoid to wear if he's in a different Au he's going to die or something"

MiniLadd: It's my fucking allergy. I'm not that fragile.

Terroriser: Mini, you need to rest & get some medicines.

MiniLadd: I know, and I have few more medicines, but. . .at this rate. . .it's not gonna help much.

Terroriser: I think I have more.

"Ellie: *runs in outta no where and hug and kisses 2p and 1p bryce them runs*

Me: well then"

Bryce: Uh. . .

McQuaid: Oh. . . *Giggles* That was sweet.

Ohm: *Takes out his knife*

Delirious: *Takes out his machete*

Question from sunniidee,

"woah! mini are you okay? do you need any help? not from me because you'd probably not trust me to try and help you..all I'm gonna say is that I hope you're okay,"

MiniLadd: . . .Thanks. . . *Smiles a bit, then falls*

Nogla: *Catches MiniLadd* Gotcha, you okay?

MiniLadd: Ugh. . .

Terroriser: Get him to bed, now!

Vanoss: Mini?

MiniLadd: Ugh. . .fuck. . .I'm gonna throw up. . .

Nogla: I don't mind it, just do it, if it makes you feel better.

Terroriser: Oh no. . .

sattelizergames  "okay something i wanna dare,, please get mini's allergies some medicine for the whole while that they are in the 1pDimension"

Terroriser: But I need ingredients! We rarely encounter dogs, so we don't carry much. This is bad. . .I need ingreidents to make more powerful medicines!

Vanoss: Calm down Brian. W-We have time. . .right?

Basically: I'm checking Mini's state, and. . .it's not looking good, but he's fine.

Craig: So. . .2p version of me is allergic to dogs?

Basically: Yea, and. . .usually, it's not this bad, but multiple 1ps do own dogs. . .so. . .

Lui: Basically, you guys brought dog germs, and it affected Mini's allergy.

McQuaid: I think I can help with the ingredients.

Ryan: I think I can too.

Terroriser: Okay, do you guys have an equipment?

Craig: Uh. . .no. . .

Wildcat: W-We need to hurry.

Jiggly: Don't panic, we should split into teams & go search.

Swag: No need for that.

Bryce: The fuck you mean?

Swag: My birds can help with the ingredients. You guys get the lab ready. Tell me what you need.

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