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3rd Person P.O.V:

A very windy day. . .cold. . .but that's no excuse for a World Fastest Messenger Company. . .TwitterTweets Mail.

"GET HIM!" yelled one of the gang members. They took out their guns, and aimed at a man. . . "Oh-oh." They all started shooting, then the man. . .elegantly & quickly dodged all the bullets, ran towards the gangs, then knocked the gun out of one member. He grabbed the gun, and aimed the gun to the member's head, holding him as hostage. The gang stopped shooting, then the man said, "If you guys shoot, you guys might hurt your teammate, and. . .you guys don't want that right?"

Suddenly, they shot the member, killing him. "Did you really thought we care?" said the boss. The man let go of the dead member. . . then said, ". . .I see how it is. I was. . .hoping you guys would have a heart & we can talk this out. . .but. . .you guys. . .just made me angry." "Like we care. KILL HIM!" The members all attacked him, but the man took his handbag off, threw it in the air, high, dodged the bullets, & fought back. His attacks were fast & heavy. . .and in a minute, all the members were down. ". . .Y-You. . ." The man started walking towards the boss, and the boss attacked him, but the man caught the boss' fist, then squeezed it real hard. "Ugh! The fuck. . .are you!?" ". . .I'm. . ." Said the man, then swung his hand to the boss' neck. . .in an unbelievable speed. . .which resulted in cutting off the boss' head. . .

". . .I'm RacingCatz, a Mailman from TwitterTweets Mails. . .oh, you can't hear me anymore. . .um. . .MAILS!" RacingCatz looked up, ran then caught his handbag. "Phew! That was so close." He looked back at the dead boss, then said, "Well. . .you didn't need to know anyway, because. . .heartless person like you. . .don't deserve anything." He put his handbag on, and walked out the building. "That was one trouble." Said RacingCatz, then got a call & answered, "Hello?" "Hey Cody, you delivered the mail?" "Not yet, sorry sir. I was caught by the gang I had to deal with last time, and I. . .kinda. . .killed the boss. . .I'm sorry. I. . .I was. . .really angry." ". . .It's alright, Cody. Don't forget about our motto." "I know sir." "Also, I called you to tell you to have some break. You've been really busy delivering, and you haven't taken a break on Christmas or on New Year." "Aww, that's nice, but. . .I can't do that, this is my life." ". . .Cody, just take a break. You're an Elite & I don't want you to get sick or something." ". . .Thank you, sir. I'll. . .try." replied RacingCatz.

RacingCatz went to deliver the mail/package to the BBS. He took a deep breathe, and knocked on the door. The door opened, and saw Wildcat. "Oh, hi Cody." He said. "Hi, I'm RacingCatz from TwitterTweets Mails! I have packages for Mr. Vanoss, Mr. MiniLadd, Mr. Terroriser, & Mr. BasicallyIDoWrk." Said RacingCatz. "Oh, come on in." said Wildcat, and let RacingCatz in.

". . ." said Delirious. "Hello, Mr. Delirious." Replied RacingCatz with a smile. "Hey Cody!" said Nogla with a smile. "Hello Mr. Nogla!" said RacingCatz, waving his hand to Nogla. "Oh, you brought med supplies?" asked MiniLadd, and RacingCatz took a box out of his handbag. "Here you go!" said RacingCatz, handing the box to MiniLadd. "Thanks." Said MiniLadd. "Oh, Cody! Glad you came, you have my order?" asked Terroriser. "I do!" said RacingCatz, and took out a small box from his handbag, then handed to Terroriser. "Thanks! I really needed this. Moo! Help me with the experiment!" said Terroriser. "Ugh. . .fine." said Moo, and they went to the basement.

Basically came, and said, "Hi Cody." "Hello, and I have your order." RacingCatz took out a folder, and handed to Basically. "Thank you." Said Basically. "Where is Mr. Vanoss?" asked RacingCatz. "I'm here." Said Vanoss, who just came in. RacingCatz walked up to Vanoss, and said, "I have your orders!" He took out a big box from his handbag. "Jesus, how much can that handbag fit!?" asked 407. "A lot." Replied RacingCatz with a giggle, and handed the box to Vanoss. "Geez, the fuck you ordered?" asked MiniLadd. "Things I need." Said Vanoss. "That's all, please contact us for any deliveries! Have a good day!" said RacingCatz, and walked out the base.

RacingCatz started walking, then Vanoss came out, and said, "Cody!" RacingCatz stopped, and turned around. "Yes?" Vanoss walked up to him, and handed him a card. "What is this?" "An invitation, Delirious & his brother are gonna do a party, and. . .I was thinking. . .if. . .you want to come." Said Vanoss. ". . .Well. . .Mr. Hydro did tell me to take a break. . ." said RacingCatz. "Please, Cody." ". . .Alright. I'll go." Said RacingCatz with a smile. ". . .Cody. . ." "Yes?" ". . .Did you kill someone?" asked Vanoss, and RacingCatz's smile disappeared. "I smell blood. TwitterTweets Messenger uniforms are water proof, it's also blood proof. . .but I can smell the blood." Said Vanoss. ". . .I'm sorry, I. . ." "That means. . .you can still fight & kill. . .like we did before. You still have the skills, but TwitterTweets can't let you use your real power." Said Vanoss. "I. . .I don't need to use my real power. . .I don't even have one." "That's a lie. Cody. . .I know you do, and. . .please. . .come back to the crew." Said Vanoss. ". . .Mr. Vanoss. . .thank you for the invitation. I'll be looking forward for it." Said RacingCatz, and ran away.

Vanoss went back in, and Lui asked, "Vanoss, where did you go?" Vanoss pat Lui's head, and said, ". . .Just out to get some air. . ." RacingCatz stopped running, and started walking back to TwitterTweets Mails. . .he looked at the invitation card. . . "I hope I can have some fun." He said. 

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