Caring (Ask #23-27 + Dare #3)

259 3 1

Question from H20vanossfan109 ,

"This got dark real quick....... Sweets?"

Delirious: *Smiles*. . . (Jason would love that.)

Question from amber_sketches ,

"For 2p moo: well since you don't believe it, go to his account and ask him politely For 2p vanoss: glasses is not only for nerds. It's also for someone with poor eyesight so don't assume that your 1p is a nerd For all 2p: do you guys ever imagined your Evan wearing glasses, if don't, For Evan: show them your glasses if you have it now"

Moo: I said I don't care, so no. *Pulls out his middle finger*

~In 1pUniverse~

Vanoss: . . .Fine.

Craig: Damn right! *Giggles*

~In 2pUniverse~

MiniLadd: No.

Terroriser: Um. . .no.

Basically: I don't think anyone have imagined that.

Evan: I don't have it, so I can't show it.

Terroriser: *Hands Evan glasses* It's not real glasses, but it works.

Evan: Oh, thanks. *Puts it on*

MiniLadd: . . .*Blushes a bit & looks away*

Basically: You look pretty sweet. *Smiles*

Terroriser: Aww, cute. *Giggles*

Evan: *Blushes a bit* Thanks.

Basically: Let's go show the others. *Pulls Evan to where the others are*

Nogla: Hey Marcel & E- Ohhhh, Evan you look adorable! *Giggles*

Lui: . . .

Delirious: . . .! (Aww, you look so cute!)

CaRtOoNz: *Laughs* Yea, cute, alright~!

Ohm: Aww~, I just want to eat you up~!

Bryce: . . .Nerd. *Giggles*

Wildcat: *Blushes a bit* Evan. . .you look. . .so adorable.

Jiggly: *Smiles* You look great with glasses, very pretty.

407: *Laughs* Aww, what a little nerdy owl~.

Droidd: Cute~.

Moo: *Blush* Evan. . .

Evan: Thanks, and *look at Moo* yea?

Moo: *Looks away* Y-You look dumb.

Nogla: Wow Moo~, you actually like Evan with glasses.

Moo: *Blushes harder* N-No I don't!

Nogla: Yea, yea, say that to Evan. *Pats Evan's head*

Evan: *Confused*

Moo: *Blushing* J-Just shut up!

Terroriser: . . .Moo. . .*Frowns a bit*

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