Road to Season 3 (Ask #486-489)

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AWolfsJourney  "Yes! Kisskisskisskisskiss!!!"

abbyloveanime18 "Me: Now kiss!!"

Foxygwr "Me: *wakes up* what happened?

* jane smacks me upside the head*

Me: ow!

Jane: never do that again!

Me: never do what- oh never mind...

Lilly: i could of gotten her pills jane...

Me: owwww my head hurts like hell... and tyler kiss evan already.."

lunatictedd16 "Wild being dominate??? Fuck yeah!!!"

mercyrules101 "nOw kISs""kIsS. PLeAse"

-inspiredsilence  "omgomgomgomgomg get my coffin ready."

CherryPlayz07  "Yieeeee~~! They're going to kiss 😘"

Kingggjaay  "Watch someone ruin the moment"

LazilyProductive "If someone or something ruins this moment I'm going to obliterate into tiny pieces of salt"

407: *Kicks the door* Yo, Tyler, Vanoss!

Wildcat: *Blushes & pulls away* S-Scotty!?

407: Are you guys done yet!? We want to start this fucking party!

Vanoss: We'll go soon, so don't break my door!

407: Hurry your ass up! *Walks back*

Wildcat: *Blushing* Um. . .s-should we go?

Vanoss: *Blush* Yea. . .and um. . .I need help to walk.

Wildcat: O-Of course.

~At the others~

Vanoss & Wildcat: *Enters*

Lui: Vanoss! Are you okay?

Vanoss: I'm fine, Lui. *Pats Lui's head* I missed you.

Lui: *Blush* I-I missed you too.

Ohm: Evy~! We got the party ready~!

Nogla: *Smiles* Team effort.

Vanoss: Guys. . .

Terroriser: Come on, Evan, let's have some drink.

Basically: You'll be able to stand soon on your own, boss.

Vanoss: That's good to hear.

Jiggly: Tyler, you wanna switch? I can carry Vanoss to his seat. You can rest.

Wildcat: I. . .It's okay.

Ohm: It's better if you carry Evy like a princess, you know~.

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