Party Drunk (Ask #133-141 + Dare #39-40)

190 3 0

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"X3 RacingCatz! What's your favorite thing to do~?

Delirium! Are you having fun? I bet you are with Lui!

And Wildcat, my BBBFF!*Grabs his hand* wanna dance for fun?"

RacingCatz: I like delivering packages.

MiniLadd: Of course, since it's your job. Say something like a hobby.

RacingCatz: Hobby? Well. . .I. . .I. . .um. . .

Terroriser: Cody?

RacingCatz: . . .I don't really know what I like.

MiniLadd: That's. . .unfortunate.

RacingCatz: . . .Maybe. . .cooking?

Terroriser: Oh, nice.

Delirium: I am having fun! Right, Lui?

Lui: Yea, kinda.

Wildcat: Oh, um. . .sure, but *Blushes a bit* I-I'm not really good at it. . .

Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,

"Vanoss~ here's a dare for you you have to be nicer to everyone in the crew and the people who asked the questions and the dares for 10 each 10 questions and 10 Dares also you can't snap at me 😈"

Vanoss: Tsk. . .*Sigh* Fine.

Terroriser: This is a hard one.

RacingCatz: It's alright, Evan. If you don't want to do it, you shouldn't. Forcing yourself can cause stress. It can benefit you in a way, but it's your choice.

Vanoss: . . .I can do it, Cody.

RacingCatz: Alright, but. . .don't force yourself, okay? *Smiles*

Nogla: Look at this lovely man, Boss. He's so caring.

Vanoss: I know he's lovely & caring, let's just move on now. The time is closing in.

Terroriser: For what?

Vanoss: . . .Stuff.


lunatictedd16  "*puts on catchy music* let's dance, peeps!!! *slips on the floor and hurts self* I'm good... Imma sleep here probably... X3"

RacingCatz: Are you okay?

MiniLadd: Dude, they said they're okay.

RacingCatz: But. . .

Terroriser: You're just too nice, Cody.

OmegaTheta  "*floats in* Geese, so many asks in one page!

Kek kek kek!


Reminds me I had made a gift for a few of you! I gave Terrorizer a gift as an apology for being so rude that I forgot I made some for the rest of you!

For Toonz, don't know if you will like it, a device I call a wingsphere! As the name entails, gives ya wings!"

CaRtOoNz: Wings huh? Well, I don't really need wings, but I'll take it, might be fun & handy.

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