Grudges (Ask #162-169 + Dare #45)

165 3 0

Question from H20vanossfan109 ,

"And Gorilla when's Drac coming? And how's he doing?"

Sattelizer: 'Drac', as in Swag_Dracula?

Gorillaphent: That lazy bird tamer?

Sattelizer: He is in a higher rank, you know? He's a pretty good bird tamer, and he's not lazy, he's just carefree.

Gorillaphent: Aren't those the same thing?

Question from KatelynSQuestions ,

"What kind of work?"

Sattelizer: I can't tell you people.

Question from Einaoplex18 ,

"Is Gorilla and Sat available for Dares yet???"

Basically: Not yet, but. . .they seem to accept some questions. . .not dares, though.


FiFi_Ballinas  "I have to take care of that one, and to make sure she isn't doing anything bad. And with that, she is under aged to drink any type of alcohol. So, that's why I'm fucked."

Droidd: I see. . .

Nogla: That's unfortunate.

Akairyuu_Shiro  "Oh gosh. Hydro. It brings back the trauma ;w;"

RacingCatz: Mr. Hydro? You know him? Well. . .he does have some backstory, but please don't be afraid of him. He's kind once you get to be his friend. 

sattelizergames  "i like brohmtoonz"

Bryce: Fuck that ship.

CaRtOoNz: Yea, I'm not into it.

Ohm: I like it though~.

Droidd: Well, an appropriate threesome ship should be Cartoonz, Ohmwrecker & I.

Sattelizer: Why do you need threesome when there's a perfect ship already?

CaRtOoNz: Satt, you better back off!

Sattelizer: Ohm & I are clearly the most appropriate & perfect ship.

Gorillaphent: Satt, are you really going to fight about a ship?

Droidd: Well, I disagree, Sattelizer. You & Ohmwrecker are not perfect for a ship, sure you guys seem. . .good friends, but Cartoonz & I are more close to Ohmwrecker. You don't even know what kind of a struggle he went.

Sattelizer: *Giggles* That's funny. . .I'm the one who knows Ohm's struggle the most.

Ohm: *Blushing* You all are thinking too much. *Giggles a bit*

Bryce: Glad I'm not in this shit.

OmegaTheta  "*fades into existence on a purple cloud* Ahh you guys really are adorable. But if I had to choose who would be the most precious and cutest it would be between Jason and Wildcat! Oh! Almost forgot, since Gorillo is here... Have a cookie! Made fresh from the multiverse and guaranteed to be tasty! Keep up the beautiful work darlings! Bye! *poofs away*"

Join My Crew Season #2 (Ask 2pYoutubers)Where stories live. Discover now