Nekos! (Ask #259-260 + Dare #78-79)

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Question from H2OVanoss2016 ,

"No interfering with the heat of a Dominant Alpha unless I put you all in hell This is a question for everyone is you choose a favourite animal in a heated sexual moment what will it be?"

MiniLadd: You ask that, in a situation like this.

Evan: *On the couch, hugging his knees*

Craig: *Hugging Evan* It's okay, Evan. Don't worry, he's not gonna die or something.

Evan: . . .*Nods*


abbyloveanime18  "Me: *pats mochi on the head* she a adorable little dog!"

H20vanossfan109  "She's like a cloud with legs! She's soooo cuute!!!"

Craig: Yea, I know right?

Mochi: *Walks up to Craig & barks*

Craig: *Pats Mochi*

Cosmic_glass  "Oh ha ha okay ohm *backs away* yea sorry mini I didn't mean to get in your privacy,but hopefully you get better *smile*"

Ohm: Good.

MiniLadd: I mean. . .you guys are not in control of what you guys see. . .and. . .thanks. . .I guess.

Nogla: Aww, look how soft you've become, Mini. *Giggles*


lunatictedd16  "And have wildcat drink this potion... don't worry! He'll just have at least 10 percent of courage in him! It'll go away in 10 chapters but he'll permently have 50 percent strength..."

Basically: Um. . .we can't let Wildcat do that. It's not real. You don't deserve a power when you didn't earn it, unless it's like. . .inherited, but you need to do something to. . .conquer it.

LazilyProductive  "someone's definitely flustered~"

Wildcat: I-I. . .um. . .

407: How sweet, Tyler.

Wildcat: *Blush*

KarmaXKid  "Kid: Ah! Wolfies! How cute! XD"

Jon: Ugh. . .*Panting heavily*

Luke: Jon. . . *Tries to touch Jon's arm*

Jon: *Accidentally slaps Luke's hand* Ah. . .I-I'm-

Luke: It's alright. I'll just. . .keep an eye on you until. . .you're back to normal, okay?

Jon: *Pant & nods a little*

~At Evan~

Tyler: *Pats Evan's head*

Evan: T-Tyler?

Tyler: . . .*Smiles a bit* You're a cute wolf.

Evan: *Blushes a bit* T-Thanks.

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