Duel of Two Cats (Ask #474-475)

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(The end of this season is coming. . .)


AWolfsJourney  "I ship it! Krii7y!!!!"

Kryoz: Aww~, I appreciate that. I love my Smii7y. *Turns to Smii7y* You love me too, right?

Smii7y: Ugh. . .fuck you. . .fuck. . .

Kryoz: Was I too hard on you?

Smii7y: You don't know the words like 'gentle' or 'slow down'. Ugh. . .

Kryoz: I'm sorry baby, but it was a punishment~. Did you learn your lesson?

Smii7y: *Blush* S-Shut up. . .

Kryoz: Oh, I guess you need more~.

Smii7y: *Backs away* Don't come near me!

Kryoz: I'd love to give you more.

Smii7y: GET AWAY!


Smii7y: S-Shut up!

Kryoz: Oh he is! And he's so sweet, cute & just adorable! I can't stop loving him! *Hugs Smii7y*

Smii7y: *Blush* JOHN!

Questions from AWolfsJourney  & wolfiechan12352 ,

"*crying more* everything is so sad! And why did u slap Wildcat Cody?!"

"Wildcat.....are you okay?! Jesus Cody what the heck, why did you slap wildcat?!"

Wildcat: C-Cody?

Nogla: White glove. . .interesting.

Lui: What the fuck was that for?

RacingCatz: Mr. Wildcat. . .I challenge you to a duel.

Wildcat: . . .WHAT!?

Ohm: Ohhhh~!

Bryce: Are you out of your fucking mind!? We're not cowboys nor knights!

Moo: Not there, idiot! *Turns to RacingCatz* The fuck you mean by 'duel'!?

RacingCatz: It's exactly what it means.

Wildcat: W-Why? I-I don't-

RacingCatz: I won't take 'I don't want to fight you' as an answer.

Jiggly: Tyler doesn't want to do it. Don't push him.

RacingCatz: Either Mr. Wildcat duel with me or. . .*Looks at Jiggly* you can take his place.

Jiggly: If that's the way to get you off of him.

RacingCatz: *Turns to Wildcat* . . .Always letting someone else get hurt, while you hide & back off.

407: You little shit, back off!

Wildcat: . . .Fine. . .I'll do it.

Jiggly: Tyler. . .

RacingCatz: Alright. . .*turns to Lui* do you guys have 6 bullet revolvers?

Lui: Yea we do. . .

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